Marrero's Spectra

Text Box: CAMD-BIR Unit Faculty of Chemistry-Pharmacy. Central University of Las Villas (UCLV), Santa Clara, 54830, Villa Clara, Cuba.

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Grants for Research and Training

·        Virtual Center of Bioinformatics, University of Havana, Havana. 03-04.

·        Department of Physical-Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry; and Institut Universitari de Ciencia Molecular. University of Valencia, Burjassot, Spain. 7/05-1/06.

·        Institut Universitari de Ciencia Molecular. University of Valencia, Burjassot-Paterna, Spain. 9/06-2/07.

·        South-South Fellowship, Third World Academy of Science, Italy, INIFTA, La Plata, Argentina, Mathematical-Chemical Research. 06-09.


·        Three Outstanding Prizes, one Second place and two Mentions in the Scientific Forums of University Students. Central University of Las Villas. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. 98-01.

·        Outstanding Prize (1er award) in the XV National Forum of Students of Exact, Natural and Social Sciences of Cuba. University of Matanzas, Matanzas, Cuba. 6/01.

·        1er award in skill competition in the XV National Forum of Students of Exact, Natural and Social Sciences of Cuba. University of Matanzas, Matanzas, Cuba. 6/01.

·        Golden Award for Academia Results, 7/01.

·        Award at the merits scientific student (best B.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Graduation 00-01). Central University of Las Villas, Villa Clara, Cuba, 7/01.

·        Municipal and Provincial Prize in the XV Forum of Science and Technique. Central University of Las Villas. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. 11/04.

·        Provincial Prize in X exhibition "Forgers of the Future", Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. 3/02.

·        Outstanding Research Work Advisor (1er award) in the XVI National Forum of Students of Exact, Natural and Social Sciences of Cuba. University of Oriente, Cuba. B.Sc. Carlos Romero Zaldivar. 6/04.

·        Outstanding Dissertation Advisor (1er award) in the XVI National Forum of Students of Exact, Natural and Social Sciences of Cuba. University of Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. B.Sc. Mariuchy Mayón Pérez. 6/04.

·        Provincial Prize of the Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Environment (CITMA), Villa Clara, Cuba. 2004.

·        National Award of the Academy of Science of Cuba. From the Molecular structure to Biological Activity: Applications and potentialities of novel methods of computational design in QSAR, QSPR, QSPsR, QSTR, Proteómic and Bioinformatic. 2005.

·        Prize to the merit scientific for the work of more scientific transcendency in the year 2005. Central University of Las Villas, Cuba. 05.

·        Provincial Prize (best research work) of the Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Environment (CITMA), Villa Clara, Cuba. 2005.



Medal "Forgers of the Future", 3/02.

"... It is exactly the possibility to carry out a dream that makes the life is interesting."
Paulo Coelho,“The Alchemist”

© 2006 Yovani Marrero Ponce. All rights reserved
Last updated on April 01, 2006


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