Universitat de ValènciaInstituto Universitario de Biotecnología y Biomedicina (BIOTECMED) Logo del portal

Resultados de la búsqueda42 resultados

  • Enhanced activity of glycolytic enzymes in Drosophila and human cell models of Parkinson’s disease based on DJ-1 deficiency

    Solana-Manrique C., Sanz F.J., Ripollés E., Bañó M.C., Torres J., Muñoz-Soriano V., Paricio N

    (2020). Article

    Free Radic. Biol. Med..

    158, 137-148

  • Drosophila as a model system for the identification of pharmacological therapies in neurodegenerative diseases. In: Mutsuddi M., Mukherjee A. (eds) Insights into human neurodegeneration: lessons learnt from Drosophila

    Solana-Manrique C., Moltó M.D., Calap-Quintana P., Sanz F.J., Llorens J.V., Paricio N.

    (2019). Llibre

    Springer, Singapure.

    eBook ISBN 978-981-13-2218-1; Hardcover ISBN 978-981-13-2217-4.

  • Cabut modulates Foxo activation by positively regulating insulin signaling in Drosophila embryos

    Muñoz-Soriano V., Belacortu Y., Sanz F.J., Solana-Manrique C., Dylon L., Suay-Corredera C., Ruíz-Romero M., Corominas M., Paricio N

    (2018). Article

    Biochim. Biophys. Acta - Gene Regul. Mech..

    1861, 878-891

  • Commentary: Identification of potential therapeutic compounds for Parkinson’s disease using Drosophila and human cell models

    Sanz F.J., Solana-Manrique C., Muñoz-Soriano V., Paricio N.

    (2017). Article

    J. Neurol. Neuromedicine.

    2(9), 20-23

  • Evolutionary conserved role of eukaryotic translation factor eIF5A in the regulation of actin-nucleating formins

    Muñoz-Soriano V., Li T., Domingo-Muelas A., Gamero E., Bizy A., Fariñas I., Alepuz P., Paricio N.

    (2017). Article

    Sci. Rep..

    7, 9580

  • Identificación de compuestos potencialmente terapéuticos para la enfermedad de Parkinson utilizando modelos en Drosophila y en células humanas

    Sanz F.J., Solana-Manrique C., Muñoz-Soriano V., Paricio N

    (2017). Article

    Genética Médica News.

     4, 14-17

  • Identification of potential therapeutic compounds for Parkinson’s disease using Drosophila and human cell models

    Sanz F.J., Solana-Manrique C., Muñoz-Soriano V., Calap-Quintana P., Moltó M.D., Paricio N.

    (2017). Article

    Free Radic. Biol. Med.

    108, 683-691

  • Scabrous overexpression in the eye affects R3/R4 specification and inhibits Notch signaling

    Muñoz-Soriano V., Santos D., Durupt F.C., Casani S., Paricio N.

    (2015). Article

    Dev. Dyn.

    245, 166-174

  • Scabrous overexpression in the eye affects R3/R4 specification and inhibits Notch signaling

    Muñoz-Soriano V., Santos D., Durupt F.C., Casani S., Paricio N.

    (2015). Article

    Muñoz-Soriano V., Santos D., Durupt F.C., Casani S., Paricio N..

    245, 166-174

  • Collective cell migration in tissue building

    Muñoz-Soriano V., Paricio N

    (2015). Article

    eLS. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester.