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Base de dades del projecte, a partir d'informació del SAIH-Xúquer, sobre episodis de pluja des de 1989

Es disposa d'una base de dades d'episodis de pluja, a partir de la informació del SAIH-Xúquer, que abasta el període comprés entre 1989 i l'actualitat.

Car driving simulator

Driving simulator to perform different tests related to car driving.

Cartografia digital

El Departament disposa de Cartografia digital a diferents escales de tot el territori de la Comunitat Valenciana

Laboratori de Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica (Departament de Geografia. Facultat de Geografia i Història)

Es disposa d'un Laboratori de Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica amb una important dotació de maquinari i programari especialitzat en SIG (Arc-Gis, Idrisi, Erdas, Water Modelling System, etc.).

Longitudinal databases for the public opinion on elites and citizens coming from international research teams that include research group members

The research group members are part of an international research team with researchers from seven different countries in which the above-mentioned surveys are highlighted.


They are several software for carrying out strategic evaluations and territorial foresight projects, which are key to political, economic-business and territorial decision-making.


It is a software package on mixed methods and qualitative analysis in social sciences in particular. 

Network Network of specialists in Information and Communication Technologies Law, National Association (coordinated and chaired by Cotino)

The most important and oldest academic network on law and ICTs in Spain, annual academic conferences and seminars since 2004.

Parental competence survey

It is an updated instrument that covers not only the detection and satisfaction of needs but also the adaptation and responsiveness of the parental role.

Restorative orientation model

It is an integrative and holistic model that aims to provide family intervention professionals with the scientific basis on which family counselling is based.

SIG Unit

Its aim is to provide the IIDL researchers with the infrastructure necessary for the mapping associated with their research projects using Geographic Information Systems (SIG)


It is a software package for transcribing and analyzing qualitative interviews. 

Simulation room

Test room with driving simulator.


A unique and versatile place for training in research and excellence in the field of social sciences. Equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructures and equipment, this laboratory is divided into three rooms, dedicated to the application of quantitative and qualitative social research techniques in all phases of the research process (collection, registration and data and information analysis)

Statistical analysis

The UV Statistics Unit works with experts in the use of computer equipment and specific software. The main software used for data analysis is the free R Software.

Thematic Network of Excellence

MCNN Thematic Network of Excellence, led by EHVALENCIA and bringing together researchers from 8 research projects of excellence in the State in the area of Economic History.

Truck driving simulator

Driving simulator to perform different tests related to truck driving.

UCINET / Netdraw - Social Networks Analysis

It is a software package for analysing and graphing social networks, which includes a large number of statistical measures and indicators based on relationship matrices between individuals or cases.  

Virtual Reality Equipment
  • Computer with graphics acceleration card, and graphics and texture memory.
    • PC monitor; HMD, retro-projected methacrylate screen, Dome, two video projectors.
    • Speaker system.
    • Mouse, rumblepad.
  • Machine to be another system:
    • Video camera with tripod.
    • HMD (Inmersive Oculus Rift).
    • Head Tracking System.
    • Computer and calibration software.
  • Audio and recording system:
    • 3 Cameras.
    • Microphones.
    • 2 TV.
    • 1 DVD recorder and player.
    • Control desk.
  • Other:
    • Treadmill.
    • Bicycle.
    • Bicycle roller.
    • Augmented reality desk (Microsoft Surface).
Virtual Reality Systems and online treatments
  • Emotional Induction Circuits: Virtual environments to elicit emotions where the graphical characteristics of the environment vary according to the desired emotion.
  • EMMA: Virtual environment designed to work with people with adaptive disorders, complicated grief and PTSD.
  • EARTH of Wellbeing: Self-applied system for inducing positive emotions and working with psychological strengths.
  • Mayordomo: Networked multi-user technology platform for improving the quality of life of the elderly.
  • E-Therapy System for the Treatment of Obesity (ETIOBE): Platform for the promotion of healthy lifestyles in children with obesity.
  • MEAL: Plataforma web educativa para el entrenamiento nutricional en niños.
  • Vivir Mejor: Self-applied treatment programme for people with overweight and hypertension.
  • Embarazo y Bienestar: Self-applied programme for the promotion of wellbeing in pregnant women.
  • Activa tu Ánimo: Self-applied programme for the treatment of depression.