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Building an accurate and detailed picture of people's needs within the context of sexual, gender and family diversity
Ponle freno

Collaboration in the development of road safety campaigns. 

A study of the Mediterranean diet in the prevention of cardiovascular disease

The role of the Mediterranean diet and nuts in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

AURA Collaboration

Scientific collaboration.

AURA Innovative Robotics SL

Descriptive study of eye movements using OSCANN and its value in diagnostic assistance in minimal hepatic encephalopathy. LR Carmina Montoliu.

Acitivities with patient associations

Activities with patients' associations, without a formal agreement, through the association Salus Vitae, a non-profit association.

Advice on methodology design in research projects

Entities, organisations may need to delimit methodology in projects subject to funding.

Advice on the Code of Ethics

Advice on the drafting of the Code of Ethics and Deontology of Nursing in the Region of Valencia.

Advice on the synthesis and preparation of chiral and non-chiral organics

Technical advice on the synthesis and laboratory-scale preparation of chiral and non-chiral organics.

Affective-sexual education programme for adolescents with ASD in CyL classrooms

Affective-sexual education programme for adolescents with ASD in CyL classrooms.

Affective-sexual education programme for adults with ID in occupational centres

Affective-sexual education programme for adults with ID in occupational centres.

Affective-sexual education

Affective-sexual education.


Basic and applied research tasks within the framework of the Chair.

Analysis and creation of activity and exercise protocols to improve performance in the work environment and for pain reduction

Analysis and creation of activity and exercise protocols to improve performance in the work environment and for pain reduction.

Analysis and creation of activity and physical exercise protocols to increase the life quality of the elderly

Analysis and creation of activity and physical exercise protocols to increase the life quality of the elderly. 

Analysis and creation of protocols for physical-sports activities to increase motor excellence

Analysis and creation of protocols for physical-sports activities to increase motor excellence.

Analysis and evaluation of products (textiles, footwear, insoles, etc.) for sportswear and sports practice

Development and transfer activity for the School Council of the Comunitat Valenciana.

Analysis in Archaeometry and Gemology

Analysis of gemstone inclusions by polycrystalline diffraction.

Analysis of chiral organic compounds by chromatographic techniques

Analysis of chiral organic compounds including the determination of enantiomeric excesses by chromatographic techniques.

Analysis of health and demographics

Analysis of health and demographics using Population Information Service data.

Analysis of neurotransmitter release in the central nervous system

The analysis of neurotransmitters or other biological substances (such as cytokines) using the in vivo microdialysis technique allows the extracellular levels of these substances to be determined without altering the extracellular medium. It is a highly valuable technique in the analysis of the effect of pharmacological agents on the release of neurotransmitters or other biological substances in specific areas of the central nervous system.

Analysis of nociception and analgesia

The group has equipment and experience in the analysis of nociception and analgesia in rodent models of inflammatory pain using Von Frey filaments, hot plate and Hargreaves test.

Analysis of polyolefins using an IR filter detector

Development of methodologies for the analysis of polyolefins with an IR filter detector in collaboration with the company Polymer Char (Valencia).

Analysis of reinforcement, aversion and memory behaviour

The group has equipment and experience in the analysis of reinforcement, aversion and memory behaviour in rodent models. These behaviours include: operant self-administration, non-operant self-administration, conditioned place preference, open field, light/dark box, Barnes maze, etc. In addition, we have experience in combining these techniques with spatio-temporal control of behaviour through the use of optogenetics and activation or inhibition of specific areas or neuronal groups by light.

Analysis of the influence of emotional competencies on relationships and the influence of the partner on health, well-being and quality of life
Application of Monte Carlo techniques in the field of medical physics

The group has extensive experience in the implementation of partnerships with companies in the sector for the development of clinical devices.

Application of exercises to increase work productivity and reduce absenteeism

Application of exercises to increase work productivity and reduce absenteeism.

Arts education and museum management

Museum educator training. ADEIT-Universitat Company.

Arts education, citizenship education, creativity and ICTs

Training of educators in arts education and digital environments.

Assessing the carbohydrates malabsorption (lactose, fructose)-intestinal parasitosis relationship and the influence of the latter on child development.
Assessment and evaluation in different areas of physical activity and sport

Assessment and evaluation in different areas of physical activity and sport.

Assessment and intervention in chronic paediatric diseases with the aim of assessing and intervening in the improvement of family conditions, both for paediatric patients and for the family as a whole
Assessment of human functions: Effects of SMI in biomechanical parameters; evolutionary and temporal aspects.
Basic Instructor Course in Advanced Clinical Simulation

Basic Instructor Course in Advanced Clinical Simulation.

Basis for comprehensive speech therapy care. Speech therapy assessment and intervention in facial clefts and other craniofacial anomalies

This course updates on speech therapy intervention in people with facial clefts and other anomalies from a multidisciplinary perspective

Behavioural study

Analysis of behavioural patterns in stressful situations and in social interactions.

Biochemical analysis

Analysis of hormones (cortisol, sex hormones, DHEA) and alpha-amylase in saliva samples, using ELISA.

C-Roads Spain: deployment of harmonised and interoperable C-ITS services

Operation and testing of Day 1 and Day 1.5 C-ITS services as recommended by the European C-Roads Platform in five pilot sites.

CAP Manual

Preparation of the manual: Certificate of Competence for Professional Drivers (CAP for its Spanish acronym of Certificado de Aptitud para Conductores/as Profesionales).

Can we stop brain ageing?

University extension course on brain health.

Cell fusion trials based on viral membrane proteins.
Cell transplants for Parkinson's disease repair

Cell transplants for Parkinson's disease repair.

Characterisation of EAE model of multiple sclerosis in mice

Characterisation of EAE model of multiple sclerosis in mice.

Civic Organising Training

Valencia Diocesan Caritas Training Area

Clinical assessment: extensive and detailed neuropsychological explorations of the clinical status in three assessment areas: neurocognitive; of social cognition and psychosocial functioning.
Collaboration agreement with this body for researcher mobility and to promote joint research

Collaboration for the mobility of researchers and the promotion of joint research.

Collaboration agreement with this body for researcher mobility and to strengthen research collaboration

Collaboration for the mobility of researchers and the strengthening of joint research on prosocial development.

Collaboration in NMR studies

Scientific collaboration.

Collaboration in the Data Management Plans of research projects

Dissemination of knowledge, mutual collaboration in the development of studies and research projects on drug dependence and other addictions.

Colour vision assessment

Completion of colour vision studies. Colour vision is assessed using various standard tests for patients who need to prove normal colour vision for professional reasons. Tests include pseudoisochromatic plate tests (Ishihara), anomaloscope (Rayleigh and Michelson equation), sorting tests (Farnsworth-Munsell 100-tone test, D15 and Lanthony test) and threshold tests (Cambridge Colour Test).

Colourimetric characterisation of display screens

Study of the colour reproduction characteristics of display screens (monitors, tablets and mobile phones) and obtaining the appropriate characterisation models (GOG curves or LUT tables).

Comprehensive occupational road safety project

Development of a comprehensive programme for the prevention of traffic accidents in the health sector.

Conducting trials of drug capsules

Drug capsule dissolution tests

Conselleria de Educación. Valencian Government. Grant for Research Groups of Excellence Prometeo Programme 2018, PROMETEO/2018/051.

Molecular and brain mechanisms of cognitive and motor alterations in hyperammonaemia and hepatic encephalopathy. Therapeutic and diagnostic implications.

LR Vicente Felipo.

Head of INCLIVA: Carmina Montoliu.

Coordination in Scientific Societies

Organisation and presentations at the European Society of Women Theology Research and the Spanish Association of Women Theologians.

Cornea and Crystalline Lens Research Group

Scientific dissemination and clinical trials.

Counselling on drug dependence
Course on Medical Genetics

For a detailed description see

Course on experimental procedures in a bio-laboratory

This practical course is designed for the student to develop and apply the essential experimental procedures in a bio lab.

Course on the multidisciplinary management of adjuvant and metastatic colorectal cancer.

To learn about best clinical practice in the multidisciplinary management of adjuvant and metastatic colorectal cancer.

Courses and staff training related to infancy

Collaboration with the Asociación para la Salud Mental Infantil –Association for Children’s Mental Health– (ASMI) to train the health and education staff interacting with children.

Courses for general dentists in basic implant dentistry and advanced implant dentistry for surgery and implantology postgraduates

Courses for general dentists in basic implant dentistry and advanced implant dentistry for surgery and implantology postgraduates.

Courses in the health sector

Endorectal ultrasound courses, surgical anatomy course, laparoscopic colorectal surgery courses, etc.

Courses on marketing tools

Proposal of marketing tools that allow a company to identify its main competitors and visualise the degree of competition on perceptual maps.

Cursos en línia sobre la conceptualització, avaluació i intervenció en dislèxia evolutiva

Cursos en línia sobre la conceptualització, avaluació i intervenció en dislèxia evolutiva.

Customised training on proteomics technologies
Design, implementation and evaluation of training and emotional education programmes for school and university teachers
Design, selection of instruments, sampling and implementation of studies evaluation of the education system

Design, selection of instruments, sampling and implementation of studies evaluation of the education system.

Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel compounds with anti-inflammatory activity

This work is carried out in collaboration with Professors Antonio Marcilla (Universitat de València), Aurelio Csaki (Complutense University of Madrid) and Doctors Francisco Sáncez (Institute of Medical Chemistry, CISC, Madrid), Jesús del Pozo (Dermatologist) and Eduardo Oliver (CIB, CSIC, Madrid). 

Detection, analysis and promotion of healthy life habits during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Determination of a clinical intervention to effectively slow down fragility in humans
Developing strategies for nigrostriatal pathway reconstruction in Parkinson's disease

Developing strategies for nigrostriatal pathway reconstruction in Parkinson's disease.

Development of a Driver's Manual in the Dominican Republic

Manuals developed for applicants to obtain driver’s licenses and for drivers who renew their licenses at the request of the National Institute of Transit and Land Transport (INTRANT).

Development of a continuous training platform for music teachers

Development of a continuous training platform for music teachers.

Development of an assay to assess the pathogenicity of genetic variations identified in the SPG7 gene in patients with Spastic Paraplegia Type 7

Generation of Drosophila lines carrying, in a mutant background for the SPG7 gene, the changes described in SPG7 in patients with Spastic Paraplegia Type 7 and analysis of the effect of each change in the mutant phenotype of the fly. The ability of these genetic variants to improve the phenotype of the mutant flies will determine the pathological level of each one of them.

Development of epidemiological studies on food-transmissible parasites
Development of epidemiological studies on helminths and arthropods of health interest with the development of GISs to analyse the effect of climate change.
Development of innovative teaching materials

Innovative teaching materials have been developed to be applied with students on work experience at Amigó Foundation centres.

Development of intervention programmes: Psychoeducational, for patients and relatives. Training and recovery of basic and social cognitive abilities.
Development of materials for the intervention, awareness-raising and re-education programme for the points-based driving licence.

Development of materials for the intervention, awareness-raising and re-education programme for the points-based driving licence.

Development of new drugs with pharmacological activity

Development of new drugs with pharmacological activity.

Development of omics and exovesicle studies in human / animal helminths and their applicability in diagnosis, treatment and vaccination.
Development of platforms for basic music learning

Development of platforms for basic music learning.

Development of readaptation programmes through physical training and sport for people with a history of several pathologies

Development of readaptation programmes through physical training and sport for people with a history of several pathologies.

Development of school participation programme

Development of a Community awareness programme in the neighbourhood of La Torre in Valencia, based on a school participation programme.

Development of teaching materials

At La Coma School (Preferential Action Neighbourhood) we have developed teaching materials that are committed to intercultural awareness.

Development of the Integrated Plan ITS (Intelligent Systems of Transports)

Technical assistance to develop the Integrated Plan ITS (Intelligent Systems of Transports) 2020-2022 of the Servei Català de Trànsit.

Development of the Offenders' Awareness Programme for Safe Mobility

Development of the Offenders' Awareness Programme for Safe Mobility

Development of the Prevention Programme for road accidents and their main after-effects

Development of the Programme for the prevention of traffic accidents and their main after-effects.

Development of the Workshop on for the fulfilment of road safety related TBCs

Development of the Workshop for the fulfilment of road safety related TBCs.

Development of tools for the assessment and characterisation of various pathologies

Multidisciplinary collaboration for the development of tools for the assessment and characterisation of various pathologies.

Development of tools for the identification of genes that modify phenotypes associated to frataxin deficiency

Genome-wide assay based on the loss or gain of function of Drosophila melanogater genes that rescue phenotypes altered by frataxin deficiency.

Development, installation and support for road safety education campaigns

Development, installation and support for a road safety education campaign in the framework of “House of Knowledge” campaigns of Saudi Aramco.

Diagnosis and planning of data management

Identify the needs and difficulties of researchers, information managers and science policy makers in sharing raw research data. Develop guidelines, tools and literacy campaigns to encourage widespread and standardised data sharing and re-use.

Drug addiction counselling service of the Valencian Regional Ministry of Health

Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Government), contact: Sofía Tomás Dols.

Effectiveness intervention studies, training in CONSORT guidelines

Effectiveness intervention studies, training in CONSORT guidelines, coaching, impact publications.

Effects of different physical activity protocols on the improvement of life quality in various populations

Effects of different physical activity protocols on the improvement of life quality in various populations. 

Elaboration of epidemiological studies on food-transmissible parasites
Electrophysiological recording

Measurement of various variables for the evaluation of the acoustic, visual, somatosensory sensory system and its pathways by means of elicited responses to a known, standardised stimulus. Evoked potential.

Empowering Coaching

Training courses on sport motivation for coaches.

Establishing guidelines for prescribing physical exercise in the elderly population
Evaluation of psychological adjustment to Covid-19 in adolescents and young people in Spain and Latin America
Evaluation of stem cell labelling

Evaluation of stem cell labelling with paramagnetic particles.

Experimental model Aspiculuris treraptera in mice (CD1). Giardia intestinalis trophozoites of axenic cultivation

Use of animal experimental models (different strains of mice and rats. Animal Production Section, SCSIE). Isolation, analysis and characterisation of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA, especially miRNAs) and proteins via molecular biology techniques (restriction, PCR amplification, sequencing, dot-blot, southern and northern blot, western-blot). Bioinformatic analysis. Cloning and gene expression in heterologous systems (in bacteria, yeasts and superior eukaryotic cells, as well as in “cell-free” expression systems); production and purification of recombinant proteins. Production of polyclonal antibodies in rabbits. Cell cultures, SCSIE.

Fibrillogenesis studies on materials with FNs with different mutations

Fibrillogenesis studies on materials with FNs with different mutations

Fis Project PI18/00150 of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III

Characterisation of neurological and cerebral alterations in patients with minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Contribution of inflammation. Diagnostic and therapeutic implications. PI Carmina Montoliu.

Formación en fundamentos de la epidemiología, etiología y patogénesis como factores que contribuyen a la heterogeneidad en cáncer gástrico

To learn the basics of epidemiology, aetiology, pathogenesis... as factors contributing to heterogeneity in gastric cancer.

Generate commercial indicators capable of approximating the business' success
Generation of knock-in (KI) mice

Generation of knock-in (KI) mice

Genetic diagnosis: within the assessment of nervous system diseases, the genetic diagnosis service includes
Genomics-related services; Proteomics; Microscopy; Electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) and Confocal laser microscopy; Cell culture; Flow cytometry and Animal production

Genomics-related services; Proteomics; Microscopy; Electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) and Confocal laser microscopy; Cell culture; Flow cytometry and Animal production.

Hands-on practical courses, quantitative methodology

Hands-on practical courses, quantitative methodology in applied research.

Health Care Bioethics Committee

Participation in the Healthcare Bioethics Committee of Department 4, Sagunto.

Health Care Bioethics Committee

Participation in the Healthcare Bioethics Committee of the Xàtiva-Ontinyent Health Department.

Helping companies and social partners to become aware of the right to digital disconnection

Helping companies and social partners to become aware of the right to digital disconnection.

Heterologous expression of membrane proteins
I and II Functional Training Courses for Older Adults

Psycho-physiological bases and specialised practical training in the area of adapted training for older adults.


Scientific collaboration.

INCOVIA Training

Training of psychologists and road safety instructors to qualify them as trainers for the points-based licensing courses.

Identification and validation of a gene expression signature for problematic fermentations diagnosis

Identification and validation of a gene expression signature during wine fermentations. 

Identification of molecular mechanisms related to longevity
Implementation and Innovation of the National Logistics Plan of the Dominican Republic

Definition and development of a virtual training program for cargo truck drivers (ITV) operating in port terminals in the Dominican Republic, making use of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, at the request of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

Implementation of the plans derived from Act 63-17 on Mobility, Land Transport, Traffic and Road Safety of the Dominican Republic

Implementation of training, research and advisory activities for the National Institute of Transit and Land Transport (INTRANT) of the Dominican Republic.

Implementing and researching the use of multimodal resources in teaching English as a foreign language.

Anàlisi i avaluació de productes (tèxtils, calçat, plantilles, etc..) per a la indumentària i pràctica esportiva.


Improving emotional education in childhood and adolescence
Individual assessment and analysis of sport technique in individual and/or team sports

Courses related to physical activity and sport for the improvement of technical quality and sporting health.

Individual assessment and analysis of sport technique in individual and/or team sports

Individual assessment and analysis of sport technique in individual and/or team sports.

Informal education counselling

Counselling on informal education in activities generated by AVALEM, associations, educational centres and museums.

Interactive learning groups based on collaborative methodologies

Interactive learning groups based on collaborative methodologies.

International Congress

Co-organisation of the International Congress on Bioethics at the Universitat de València, biannual.

International Seminar

Co-organisation of the Seminar 'Emotions, Capacities and Values', Faculty of Arts, Hokkaido University, Japan

Joint Research Unit in Biomedicine and Pharmacology FISABIO-Hospital Dr. Peset-UVEG-Universitat Jaume I Joint Research Unit in Biomedicine and Pharmacology FISABIO-Hospital Dr. Peset-UVEG-Universitat Jaume I Consortium CIBERehd

Joint Research Unit in Biomedicine and Pharmacology FISABIO-Hospital Dr. Peset-UVEG-Universitat Jaume I Joint Research Unit in Biomedicine and Pharmacology FISABIO-Hospital Dr. Peset-UVEG-Universitat Jaume I Consortium CIBERehd

Language and communication in the person with dementia

The course aims to update on advances in the multidisciplinary care of people with dementia, in the area of language and communication.

Language and communication in the person with dementia. Bases for comprehensive speech therapy care

The course aims to update on advances in the multidisciplinary care of people with dementia, in the area of language and communication.

Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP)

2014-2015. Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP). Comenius: Action for school. Leader: Paz Viguer. Participants: Maria F. Rodrigo, Diana Paricio.

Localisation and abundance of endosymbiotic bacteria in aphids

Localisation and abundance of two endosymbiotic bacteria (Buchnera aphidicol and Serratia symbiotica) within aphids of the subfamily Lachninae.

MOOC Introduction to clinical research

Free massive course in Miriadax.

MOOC Psychophysics and Visual Perception Practices

Massive course and virtual laboratory, Moodle Pensem-Online, University of Alacant.

Market research

Conducting joint research activities in market research methods to better understand competition and markets.

Master in Hospital Management

Teaching on the Master's Degree in Hospital Management at the Universitat Politècnica de València.

Master in Management, Decision-Making and Conflict Resolution

Master in Management, Decision-Making and Conflict Resolution.

Master's Degree in Clinical Trials and Medical Devices

Master's Degree in Clinical Trials and Medical Devices

Master's Degree in Drug Dependence: Research, Treatment and Drug Pathologies
Master's Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Management

Universitat de València's own Master's Degree in the area of Management and Direction of Sporting Events

Master's degree

Master in Pharmacology for Nursing

Master's degree

Master's Degree in Social and Health Care in Dependency

Mental Health Functional Diversity Sectoral Committee

Participation during the years 2016, 2017 and 2018 in the Development of the Comprehensive Care Plan for people with severe mental disorders in the Valencian Community.

Mental Health Regional Strategy (2016-2020)

Participation in the development of the Mental Health strategy from 2016 to 2020 in the Valencian Community.

Mental doping

University extension course on cognitive strengthening factors.

Mesoporous materials for metabolite detection and drug release

Preparation, characterisation and assessment of mesoporous materials for different purposes.

Methodological validation of 8-oxo-dG in biological liquids

Methodological validation of 8-oxo-dG in biological liquids.

Monte Carlo techniques applied to the field of medical physics

The group has extensive experience in training scientific personnel in the use, handling and development of Monte Carlo techniques.

Multi-sample and multilevel methodology for organisational decision-making

Multi-sample and multilevel methodology for organisational decision-making.

Nau Gran

Courses for people over 55 on issues related to ageing.

Neuropsychological and functional assessment of people with brain damage

Neuropsychological and functional assessment of people with brain damage

Neuropsychological assessment

Comprehensive assessments focused on early detection of cognitive and functional impairment (memory, attention, reaction time, activities of daily living, physical capacity, etc.) in different types of pathologies. Neuropsychological assessments in advanced stages of diseases with neurological involvement (MCI, Alzheimer's).

ONCE collaboration

Dissemination tasks.

Observer programme in pharmaceutical companies carried out at the Medical Oncology Department

Observer programme in pharmaceutical companies carried out at the Medical Oncology Department.

Oncology approach course for medical students

Course organised by the School of Oncology and the European Society of Medical Oncology to bring oncology closer to final-year medical students.

Optimisation of agrochemicals

Collaboration contract with companies.

Organisation for Bioethics Training

Organisation of bioethics courses for staff of health centres and central services of the Conselleria de Sanitat.

Participation in the BIO-MED call for proof-of-concept projects between the IIDL and IUHLF Biobank la Fe

Columbia research project between the IIDL-UV and the IUHLF Biobank for the creation of a multicultural observatory applicable to biological deaths in biomedical research. It is worth stressing the social research applied to the impact of racial and cultural differences in the donation of samples to the biobank of the Hospital La Fe.

Pauson Khand's new reactions study

Pauson Khand's new reactions study.

Peptide design and synthesis

Peptide design and synthesis

Performance of molecular analytical techniques on biological samples from patients included in studies or ECDCs

Performance of molecular analytical techniques on biological samples from patients included in studies or ECCC (agreements with cooperative groups).

Performing analytical techniques on liquid biopsy samples

Performance of analytical techniques on liquid biopsy samples (agreement with companies).

Permanent Seminar

Organisation of the Permanent Seminar on Bioethics at the Universitat de València

Pharmacological activity trials with new products

Pharmacological activity trials with new products.

Physical activity analysis for prevention and health through exercise and sport

Physical activity analysis for prevention and health through exercise and sport.

Physiotherapy, technology and recovery

Clinical applications of recovery and physiotherapy techniques using technology.

Postgraduate course for training in basic experimental techniques in biomedicine

Postgraduate course for training in basic experimental techniques in biomedicine.

Preclinical experimental phases in drug development
Prediction of physical, chemical and biological properties of compounds

Prediction of physical, chemical and biological properties of compounds through the application of Molecular Topology.

Preparation and assessment of colorimetric and fluorometric sensors

Sensors for pollutant gases, drugs, cations, anions, neutral molecules.

Preparation course for medical certification in oncology

Course for medical oncologists or clinicians who wish to increase their knowledge or who are preparing for the oncology certification exam.

Prevention of gambling addiction

Training for professionals (psychologists, doctors, social workers, etc.) in the application of prevention programmes in schools.

Prevention of technological and gambling addictions

Implementation of programmes for the prevention of gambling addiction and technological addictions in primary and secondary schools in the municipality of València.

Prevention programme of accidents on the roads at the workplace

Programme for the prevention of occupational road accidents for workers at Abertis Autopistas.

Proteomic techniques and applications
Psychological intervention study for memory improvement

Psychological intervention for memory improvement

Psychopedagogical intervention programmes

Improvement of evaluation and psycho-pedagogical intervention programmes for children with ASD.

Ramon Areces Foundation Project

Identification and modelling of molecular and cellular events of the immune response associated to the appearance of minimal hepatic encephalopathy in cirrhotic patients. Ip Carmina Montoliu.

Rapid Immunoglobulin detection (IgA secretory, IgGs and IgMs) for the early diagnosis of SARS-COV-2 via portable graphene biosensor.
Refresher course for nurses in all areas of oncology (care and research)

Refresher course for nurses in all areas of oncology (care and research).

Rehabilitation techniques and socio-economic impact

Rehabilitation techniques and socio-economic impact

Research collaboration

Research collaboration.

Research evaluation

To provide advice and evaluation of the research activity of public and private centres and funding bodies. To detect research gaps and establish future lines of action.

Research on aspects related to the identification of the best brand positioning.
Research on public health priorities

Research on public health priorities.

Research projects with implant manufacturing companies

Research and development with companies in the manufacture of implants.

Research services applied to Social Sciences

We offer social research services linked to variables of social competence, including so-called social inequalities and social inclusion processes, special mention to those groups that suffer from issues related to stigmatization, vulnerability and social exclusion.

Research training for MIR

Teaching in the Research Training Programme for Resident Medical Interns at the Health Research Institute (INCLIVA).

Retention mechanisms

Short course given at the HPLC 2013 congress held in Amsterdam in June 2013.

Rigorous optimisation of a two-dimensional chromatograph

Development of software for retention modelling, chromatographic peak shape and resolution in collaboration with Agilent Technologies.

SEOFER Chair of Road Safety and Intelligent Mobility

Research, transfer and dissemination activities, as well as training aimed at the role signalling plays and which should mainly exercise in the field of Road Safety and Mobility..

Safe driving and accident prevention

Training in road safety for drivers of the State's fleet of vehicles (Spanish Treasury Department).

Scientific Society Bioethics Working Group

Coordination of the Bioethics Working Group of the Valencian Society of Paediatrics.

Scientific Society Bioethics Working Group

Coordination of the Bioethics Working Group of the Valencian Society of Family and Community Medicine.

Search for new therapeutic targets Drug screening Detection of resistance to targeted therapies Minimal residual disease Early phase clinical trials Carcinogenesis studies In vitro studies In vitro studies of the tumour microenvironment In vivo models Ther

Analysis of different methodologies for the detection of T790M resistance mutations in the EGFR gene in liquid biopsy samples.

Security in the Abertis highways

Statistical analysis of accidents on Abertis highways.

Seminars on the concepts and practical resources to safely and effectively develop activities and programmes on these topics

Seminars on the concepts and practical resources to safely and effectively develop activities and programmes on these topics.

Services offered by the Speech Therapy Clinic FLA-UV

The director and 3 of the speech therapists of the Speech Therapy Clinic of the FLA-UV are part of this group and develop social-health and teaching services.

Situation of road safety education in Spain
Social services and training

Development of dissemination and training activities (educational centres, state security forces).

Specialisation Master in Orthodontics

Diagnosis and orthodontic treatment of children and adults. Use of different and innovative orthodontic techniques.

Specialisation and update courses on assessment and treatment in physiotherapy

Specialisation and update courses on assessment and treatment in physiotherapy.

Specialisation course on the problems of high-speed digital signal transmission

Specialisation course on the problems of high-speed digital signal transmission.

Specialised training in the field of physical activity and sport sciences

Specialised training in the field of physical activity and sport sciences.

Speech therapy assessment and intervention in facial fissures and other craniofacial anomalies Clínica de Logopèdia FLA-UV

Evaluation and speech therapy intervention in people with facial fissures and other anomalies from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Standardised laboratory stress tasks

Extensive experience in the use of stress tasks (Trier Social Stress Test, Cold Pressor, Mast) for the study of the different components of the stress response (psychological, physiological, hormonal).

Strategy of the Valencian Community for the early detection and prevention of cognitive and functional decline

Strategy of the Valencian Community for the early detection and prevention of cognitive and functional decline

FUNDING AGENCY: ERDF funds for scientific equipment.

Studies on p53 mutants

Studies on p53 mutants

Studies on the development of micellar liquid chromatography

Research on the fundamental aspects of the micellar liquid chromatography technique.

Study of CNS tumours

Collaboration between institutions for the study of CNS tumours.

Study of SVZ in experimental allergic encephalitis

Study of SVZ in experimental allergic encephalitis.

Study of SVZ organisation in humans

Study of SVZ organisation in humans

Study of balance in children with obesity

Research on balance in children with obesity.

Study of enantioselective intramolecular dipolar reactions

This work is carried out in collaboration with Professor Javier Adrio of the Autonomous University of Madrid.

Study of epithelial cells in insects

Study of epithelial cells in insects.

Study of gambling addiction among young people in the Valencian Community

Analysis of the problem of gambling addiction in the Valencian Community. Advice on the prevention of gambling addiction.

Study of muscle contraction by means of surface electromyography

Study of muscle contraction by means of surface electromyography.

Study of neurogenesis in primates

Study of neurogenesis in primates.

Study of possible interventions to mitigate the seriousness of Covid-19 in older people
Study of postnatal neurogenesis in mammals and humans

Study of postnatal neurogenesis in mammals and humans.

Study of postural control

Research in postural control.

Study of refractory epilepsy

Research on people with refractory epilepsy

Study of signalling mechanisms in inflammatory and cardiovascular processes

Signalling mechanisms in inflammatory and cardiovascular processes.

Study of solvatochromic scales

Application of some synthesised dyes as possible bases for solvatochromic scales.

Study of the carotid body in a hypoxic state

Study of the carotid body in a hypoxic state.

Study of the differentiation of bone marrow-derived cells transplanted into the heart

Study of the differentiation of cells from bone marrow transplanted into the heart.

Study of the effect of ß-amyeloid on adult mammalian neurogenesis

Study of the effect of ß-amyeloid on adult neurogenesis in mammals, both in vivo and in vitro.

Study of the neurogenesis of the dentate gyrus in models of Alzheimer's disease

Study of the neurogenesis of the dentate gyrus in models of Alzheimer's disease.

Study of the physiology of isoinertial exercise

Study of the physiology of isoinertial exercise.

Study of the primary cilium and embryonic development

Study of the primary cilium and embryonic development.

Study of the relationship of the vessels in the neurogenic niches of the subventricular zone

Study of the relationship of the vessels in the neurogenic niches of the subventricular zone.

Study of the role of Paroxonase 1 in metabolic and cardiovascular disorders.

The role of Paroxonase 1 in metabolic and cardiovascular disorders.

Study of the stress response

Study of the stress response in yeast as a model for responses in eukaryotes.

Study on the exercise effects on metabolic body composition, immunological parameters, oxidative stress and motor performance in the elderly

Exercise effects on body composition, metabolic, immunological, oxidative stress and motor performance parameters in the elderly.

Study on the impact of the Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19) infection on tissues and reproductive organs
Study on the labelling of adult neural stem cells

Study of the labelling of adult neural stem cells with GFP-expressing lentiviruses.

Studying the feasibility of umbrella branding among various competitors or partners
Supply contract for the improvement of the research infrastructures of the strategy for the early detection and prevention of cognitive and functional deterioration in the Valencian Community

Supply and installation of equipment for the evaluation of neurological alterations in patients with different pathologies, to investigate the mechanisms responsible and to design and test new therapeutic treatments. Updating Includes Funding Agency: FEDER funds for scientific equipment.

Teacher Training Organisation

Organisation and speakers at seminars for teachers on intercultural education, development education and emotional education.

Teacher training, design education, museum expectations

We need to start preparing teachers at all levels of education in the field of design.

Technical Report

Oral Health Epidemiological Report.

Technical advice on membrane protein biochemistry (overexpress, purification and structure-function relationship studies)
Technical advice on protein production in cell-free systems
Technical advice

Pre-clinical trials, psychological studies, technical support, information dissemination.

Theoretical calculations of dipole reactions

Theoretical calculations of dipole reactions.

To develop socio-emotional competencies, prosocial behaviours and decision-making skills in adolescent offenders, to improve personal well-being, mental health, social adjustment and quality of life
Training courses in speech therapy assessment and intervention in facial clefts and other craniofacial anomalies

This course updates on speech therapy intervention in people with facial clefts and other anomalies from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Training for health professionals in the field of neurocognitive assessments

Course for Neurocognitive and Functional Assessment of patients with Serious Mental Illnesses.

Training for social integration and mediation

Teaching at the seminar 'Tools for the Higher Technician in Social Integration', CEE Rodrigo Giorgeta, and on civil and commercial mediation.

Training in Food Parasitology

Specialisation course in Food Parasitology since 2001.

Training in Parasitic Zoonosis

Training given to health workers by the research group on the main parasitic zoonosis since 2015.

Training in Physiology

Master's Degree in Physiology offered in part by the Department of Physiology of the Faculty of Medicine.

Training in affective-sexual education for professionals from COPAVA occupational centres

Training in affective-sexual education for professionals from COPAVA occupational centres.

Training in affective-sexual education for professionals from IVASS occupational centres

Training in affective-sexual education for professionals from IVASS occupational centres.

Training in current clinical applications of Genetics

Course "To provide the basic knowledge necessary to understand the current clinical applications of Genetics".

Training in functional recovery methodology and physiotherapy

Influence of the genetic factor in tendon injuries in haemophilia and disability.

Training in historical and social studies on science, medicine and scientific communication

Historical and social studies on science, medicine and scientific communication.

Training in modelling and simulation of social and psychological systems.

To prepare students in modelling and simulation of social and psychological systems.

Training in open data

Training in the different types of open research data and open data policy. To learn the value of open research data and its impact on the scientific community and society in general. To promote data deposit and provide skills in repository management.

Training in research and study tools in rare genetic diseases and diseases of complex inheritance

Course “To inform health staff about the research and existing tools in the field of rare genetic diseases and diseases of complex inheritance”.

Training in social cognition assessment and intervention for patients with schizophrenia

Training in social cognition assessment and intervention for patients with schizophrenia.

Training in the genetic diagnosis of human diseases

Course “To present the diversity of techniques available for the genetic diagnosis of human diseases”.

Training in the physiopathology of digestive diseases

Pathophysiology of digestive diseases.

Training in the structure and function of genes and the human genome

Course “To provide basic knowledge on the structure and function of genes and the human genome, and the regulatory mechanisms”.

Training of older people

Programa Unimajors and Programa Nau Gran of the Universitat de València

Transfer of knowledge to the company for mass production of research-derived products

Transfer of knowledge to the company for mass production of research-derived products.

Transfer of results for professional development of teaching staff

Transfer of results for professional development of teaching staff.

Trigeminal ganglion study

Trigeminal ganglion study.

Updating trainers

Updating of the points-based licensing trainers on the occasion of the update of the programme's materials.

Valencian Innovation Agency

Value chain consolidation.

ASCIRES LR: José Manuel Santabárbara/Roberto Aliaga.

INCLIVA Manager: Carmina Montoliu.

Variable messaging panels

Study of the understanding of variable messaging panels.

Various courses for police, institutions and companies

Numerous courses for police, institutions and companies.

Visual and perceptual analysis of people with amblyopia

Study of the characteristics of the visual system at monocular and binocular level. The tests carried out include analysis of contrast sensitivity and stereoscopic vision at distance and near.

Volunteering training

We have been developing the University Volunteering in Minors training since 2018.


Coordination of volunteers at the La Fe Hospital and at the Manantial Day Centre in the 613 dwellings neighbourhood of Burjassot.

Working with children on emotions from an early age

Working with children on emotions from an early age.

Workshop on Translational medicine in the chacacterization and diagnosis of central nervous system tumours

Presentation and debate on the latest research results on CNS tumours.

pH-measurement applications

Development of a mobile phone app for pH-measurement.