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300MHz NMR spectrometer for liquid-state samples

Small molecule structure elucidation: elucidation of connectivity, stereochemical configuration and conformation.

400MHz NMR spectrometer for liquid samples
  • Small molecule structure elucidation: elucidation of connectivity, stereochemical configuration and conformation.
  • Structural characterisation of nanoparticles and their interactions with substrates.
  • Mobility studies and molecular dynamics.
  • Monitoring of chemical processes: kinetics.
  • Determination of association and molecular interaction processes.
  • Studies at variable temperatures.
  • Observation of a wide variety of magnetic cores: 19F, 195Pt, 133Cs, 11B, 31P, 6Li, 29Si, etc.
400MHz NMR spectrometer for solid-state samples

Structural characterisation of solid materials and immobilised substances on solids.

It enables the analysis of very diverse materials:

  • Soil, wood, cellulose
  • Ceramic materials
  • Polymers
  • Polymorphs, glass, metal and alloys
  • Porous materials such as zeolites and aluminosilicates
  • Nanoparticles
  • Studies on solid organometallic complexes.
500MHz NMR spectrometer for liquid samples

Small molecule structure elucidation: elucidation of connectivity, stereochemical configuration and conformation.

Structural characterisation of nanoparticles and their interactions with substrates.

Mobility studies and molecular dynamics.

Monitoring of chemical processes: kinetics.

Determination of association and molecular interaction processes.

Studies at variable temperatures.

Mixture analysis, component quantification and determination.

Studies on molecular dissemination, size and mobility.

Studies on chemical reaction mechanisms, characterisation of reaction intermediates, acquisition of kinetic and thermodynamic reaction parameters.

Studies on molecular interactions, association processes determination and host-guest affinity molecular interaction, enzyme-substrate molecular recognition.

Cell Culture laboratory

Cell Culture laboratory of Biological Containment Level 2 (BCL2). It has several rooms: Cell Lines Room, Primary Cultures Room, Hypoxia Room and Viral Vectors Room (BCL2+), with 10 biosafety cabinets, 6 incubators and all the necessary equipment to work with eukaryotic cell cultures.

Prepared and controlled by technicians so the user just focuses on his experiment.

Cell Separator Flow Cytometer ARIA FUSION

Cell Separator equipped with 6 lasers, biosafety cabinet and aerosol extraction. It allows, firstly, the rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of a large number of individual cells suspended in liquid medium. For this, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies, or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

In addition, after analysis, it is possible to separate and collect subpopulations of interest from the sample for further studies.

Cytometry laboratory

Fully equipped laboratory for sample preparation, acquisition, separation and analysis by flow cytometry.

DNA sequencing

Ability to address the DNA sequencing of genetic material from any organism using both traditional sequencing techniques (Sanger sequencing) as Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS).

FV1000 confocal laser microscope

Confocal microscope mounted on a motorised inverted IX81 which includes the following lenses: 10x, 20x, 40x (oil), 60x (oil), 60x (water). This equipment’s excitation lines are: 405nm, 488nm, 515nm, 559nm, 594nm y 635nm. Moreover, the equipment has an incubation system, which makes it the appropriate equipment for live-cell work.

FV1000MPE Multiphoton Confocal Microscope

Multiphoton confocal microscope mounted on a motorised BX61WI upright microscope equipped with a XPLN25xWMP water immersion lens exclusive to multiphoton microscopy, with a numerical aperture of 1.05 and a working distance of 2mm. It has a Mai-Tai HP DeepSee pulsed tunable laser (Spectra Physics) in the 690 to 1040nm range with an average power of 2.0 W. The infrared element of this laser allows for further penetration in the sample and causes less cell damage. The signal is picked up by four detectors covering the whole visible range (420-500/515-580/590-650/660-740).

FV10W confocal laser microscope

Fully motorised standard confocal equipment allowing for programmed acquisitions on several predefined areas. It has a dry 10x (NA 0,4) lens and a 60x (NA 1,2) water immersion one. The excitation lines are: 405nm, 473nm, 559nm y 635nm. This equipment is suited for live-cell experiments as it includes an incubator with temperature control.

Flow Cytometer Analyser FORTESSA

A 5-laser analysing cytometer for rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of large numbers of single cells suspended in a liquid medium. For this purpose, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

Flow Cytometer Analyser VERSE

A three-laser analysing cytometer for rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of large numbers of single cells suspended in liquid medium. For this purpose, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

Flow cytometer analyser - BD LSR Fortessa X-20

Equipment that determines and quantifies the fluorescence of fluorescent probes attached to different parts of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, organelles, proteins. The emitted fluorescence is collected on different filters limited to a certain wavelength. Fluorescence quantification is associated with the cell parameter being measured, generating quantitative results such as fluorescence intensity, percentage of cell populations, cell count/ML.

Flow cytometer analyzer - BD FACSVERSE

Equipment that determines and quantifies the fluorescence of fluorescent probes attached to different parts of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, organelles, proteins. The emitted fluorescence is collected on different filters limited to a certain wavelength. Fluorescence quantification is associated with the cell parameter being measured, generating quantitative results such as fluorescence intensity, percentage of cell populations, cell count/ML.

High content Screening IN CELL

High content screening analysis equipment via automatic image capture for the study of live or fixed cell cultures, in plates or slides. It includes four long-distance lens: 4x, 10x, 20x y 40x. It also includes an incubator with temperature control and an automatic reagent dispenser.


Ultracentrifuge for small volumes with 3 rotors: S55A2, S50A and swing-out rotor S52ST.

Molecular Biology LaboratoryMolecular biology equipment: 2 thermal cyclers. 1 Gradient thermal cycler. Image Analyser for agarose gels. QIAxcel System for nucleic acid analysis. Laminar flow cabinet for bacteria culture and phage work. 2 colony counters.

Molecular biology equipment: 2 thermal cyclers. 1 Gradient thermal cycler. Image Analyser for agarose gels.  QIAxcel System for nucleic acid analysis. Laminar flow cabinet for bacteria culture and phage work. 2 colony counters. 

Molecular, Cell and Genetic Biology Techniques

Flow cytometry, qRT-PCR, Western Blot, Big-Data and primary cell culture techniques. 

NCB2+ room for cell cultures

Room located inside the Cell Culture laboratory (NCB2), with its own equipment and higher level work protocols. Designed to work with viral vectors, GMOs or level 2 biological agents that require greater security.

P3 Biosafety Laboratory

Equipment: 3 laminar flow cabinets for cell culture. 3 CO2 incubators. 1 Hypoxia workstation. Inverted microscope. Micromanipulator. -80ºC cabinet. Autoclave. Freezer.

Phylogenetic analysis

Application of molecular phylogenetic inference methods to sequence data from ultra-sequencing to the determination of new genomes.

Separating flow cytometer

Equipment that determines and quantifies the fluorescence of fluorescent probes attached to different parts of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, organelles, proteins. The emitted fluorescence is collected on different filters limited to a certain wavelength. Fluorescence quantification is associated with the cell parameter being measured, generating quantitative results such as fluorescence intensity, percentage of cell populations, cell count/ML.

The equipment has a cell separation system allowing the physical separation of a given population with different levels of purity. It allows separation under sterile conditions.

Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer

The D8 Venture Diffractometer is a 3-D single crystal structure determination system. The system covers all typical single crystal applications in organic and inorganic chemistry, solid-state and organo-metallic chemistry, as well as mineralogy and pharmacy. It can be configured for electron density investigations at room or low temperatures, phase transition investigations or high-pressure studies. It also allows all these studies to be carried out with two radiations; Mo or Cu. Obtained through two microsources and their associated optics. The PHOTON 100 detector with CMOS technology, cold light illumination and HD video-microscope.

Super-resolution Confocal Microscope LSM 980

Super-resolution confocal microscope LCS 980 has the following objectives: 10x, 20x, 25x (oil), 40x (water) and 63x (oil), 60x. The excitation lines present in this equipment are: 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 639nm. This equipment also has an incubation system, which makes it suitable for working with live cells. This equipment incorporates the Airyscan 2 and Elyra 7 super-resolution systems.


High-contrast 120Kv transmission electron microscope with 20 Mpx CMOS EMSIS XAROSA digital camera.

TEM JEOL jem 1010 100Kv

High contrast 100 Kv transmission electron microscope with 8 Mpx AMT digital camera.

The Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) SCIOS 2 FIB-SEM

The Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope with focused ion beam (FIB). Counts with the EDX microanalysis, cryo option for the observation of frozen samples and variable pressure.