www University of Valencia

 Master Thesis


  • D. Daniel Andrés Penares has completed his Master in Advanced Physics, specialising in photonics, with a work defended in July 2015 (mark 10/10) on GaSe nanoflakes: Reliability of the optical-contrast method for nanoflake thickness determination. Study of the GaSe nanoflake optical properties. Director: Juan Fco. Sánchez Royo. Currently, he is working on Preparation and characterization of 2D nanomaterials and devices.


  • D. Jesús García Roca has completed his Master in Advanced Physics, specialising in photonics, with a work defended in September 2014 on Photonic Crystals: Simulation using COMSOL.

  • D. Alejandro Gómez Tornero has completed her Master in Advanced Physics, specialising in photonics, with a work defended in September 2014 on Active optical guides with colloidal organic molecules.


  • D. Mauro Brotons i Gisbert has completed his Master in Advanced Physics, specialising in photonics, with a work defended in July 2012 (mark 10/10) on Study of structural, transport, electronic and optical properties of ZnO:Fe thin films prepared by laser ablation. Director: Juan Fco. Sánchez Royo. Currently, he is working on Preparation and characterization of 2D nanomaterials and devices.

  • Dña. Diana Fragua Cabrera has completed her Master in Advanced Physics, specialising in photonics, with a work defended in September 2012 (mark 9/10) on Preparation and characterization of of plasmonic layers: Nanoparticles of Au in ZnO matrices.

  • D. Víctor Latorre Garrido has completed his Master in Advanced Physics, specialising in photonics, with a work defended in December 2012 (mark 8.5/10) on Electrical and Optical Properties of PMMA 3T-Au.


  • D. David A. Rivas Góngora has completed his Master in Advanced Physics, specialising in photonics, and is working on the optical micro-spectroscopy of quantum dots isolated and in semiconductor photonic microcavities.

  • D. Raúl García Calzada has completed his Master in Advanced Physics, specialising in photonics, and is working on the development of nanotechnology for solar cells and their electrical and optical microscopy characterisation.


  • D. Esteban Pedrueza, collaboration student, has completed his Master in Advanced Physics, specialising in photonics, and is working on Coupling of quantum emitters to resonant plasmonic modes.

  • D. Kamal Abderrafi, collaboration student in the IMPIVA (IMCOIC/2006/50) project, has completed his Master in Advanced Physics, specialising in photonics, and is working on Colloidal semiconductor quantum dots from laser ablation.


  • D. Josep Canet Ferrer, FPI student in the project TIC2005-05781-C03-03, has received the DEA diploma Photonics: fundamentals and devices from the Departments of Applied physics and Optics, with a mark of Excellent, having presented the research work Near field optical scanning microscopy applied to the study of ferroelectric domain walls.


  • D. Guillermo Muñoz Matutano, collaboration student in the SANDiE network of excellence, has received the DEA diploma with a mark of Excellent, having presented the research work Excitonic and multiexcitonic spectroscopy en InAs isolated QDs.

  • D. José Marqués Hueso, collaboration student in the SANDiE network of excellence, has received the DEA diploma with a mark of Excellent, having presented the research work Production and characterization of Colloidal multilayer systems.


  • D. Jordi Gomis Brescó, FPI student in the project TIC2002-4096-C03-C01, has received the DEA diploma with a mark of Excellent, having presented the research work Dynamics of the recombination of carriers in InAs/GaAs quantum nanostructures. Director: Dr. Juan Martínez Pastor.


  • D. David Fuster Signes, FPU Student, has received the DEA diploma with a mark of Excellent, having presented the research work Growth, characterisation and modelling of light emitted from InAs/InP semiconductor quantum wires. Director: Dr. Juan Martínez Pastor and Dra. Luisa González Sotos.


  • D. José Bosch Bailach, Secondary school teacher, has received the DEA diploma with a mark of Excellent, having presented the research work Optical and electronic properties of InAs/GaAs quantum wells in an external electric field. Director: Dr. Juan Martínez Pastor.


  • D. Benito Alen Millán, FPI student in the project TIC99-1035-C02-02, has received the DEA diploma with a mark of Excellent, having presented the research work Optical properties of self-organised InGaAs/InP quantum wires. Director: Dr. Juan Martínez Pastor.

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