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photographic work by Kaiko

Jardí Botànic, Estufa Freda

From 10:00 to 20:00 h. (until 21:00 h. in May), from Monday to Sunday.
The entry to the Sala Hort de Tramoieres is free, and the access to l’Estufa Freda also free by paying the entry to the Botanical Garden.
© Kaiko


Organised by:
Vicerectorat de Cultura i Igualtat de la Universitat de València
Jardí Botànic de la Universitat de València
Bosc Ideal, with a photographic work by Enric Company Seguí, known as Kaiko, who travelled along the wonderful woodlands of the Iberian Peninsula. A journey that is materialized in his 50 photographs printed on canvas. Visitors who enter in this ideal forest will be able to share their experiences on social networks.
Després ens trobarem amb un bosc eteri, en el qual les imatges prenen gran format: teles semitransparents que amaguen llavors, aromes, fruits… I l'última part d'aquesta exposició està dedicada al nostre Jardí, Kaiko estrena la sèrie bosc de peix en el lloc on les va realitzar.
Afterwards we will find ourselves into an ethereal forest with large-format images: seeds, scent or fruits hidden in semitransparent fabrics... The last part of the exhibition is dedicated to our Garden, Kaiko releases the serie in the same place where he finished it.
The contact with nature marked Kaiko’s childhood and adolescence which awakened his need for capturing the beauty through his negatives. That is how he began his two years journey and 30.000 km of accumulated experience that is shown in the exhibition.
© Kaiko