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The Secretary of the Department

From 9 a.m.-2.00 p.m. from Monday to Friday. Some afternoons also from 3.30 p.m.-5.30 p.m.
Stationary material is located at the Secretary of the Department.

The Secretary staff will be glad to help you in any Academic problem. However, please notice that, in general, they cannot provide you help in personal problems like getting settled. They will provide you with Keys for the Department. The visitors can get keys of the office. Please make sure doors are locked after 7 p.m. on week days and at any time during the weekends and local holidays.


The library

In the Local Library at the Department you will find most of the specialised Theoretical Physics books and some Journals. Borrowing is free, just fill in the borrowing slip and leave it on the Librarian's desk. Do return the book as soon as you finish. To have a complete understanding of the working system and rules, please ask in Secretary.

The Main library is located in a separate building in the campus and contains most of the Journals. Please ask in our Secretary for an authoritation to show to the Librarian. Journals cannot be borrowed from the main Library.


Copy Machine

In the Department you will need a personal code, and an e-mail address  (please, ask to the Secretary) 


Incoming Mail: A pigeon hole for your mail will be allocate at the end of the corridor, at number 4427.

Outgoing Mail: Official letters can be left in the Secretary of the Department. Personal mail cannot be sent on Department budget and should be properly stamped. In particular self-mailing, specially at the end of your stay, is forbidden. Please, observe strictly this rule.


Campus restaurants

Are open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Meals are served from 12.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m every working day except August. Coffee, cold drinks and sandwiches are served at any time.


University colleges

College Rector Peset
Plaça del Forn de San Nicolau, 4
E-46100 Burjasot (Valencia)
Click here to see a map of its location

College S. Juan de Ribera
E-46100 Burjasot (Valencia)
Click here to see a map of its location


Nearby hotels

Hotel Los Silos (walking distance).
C. Fermin Galan y Garcia Hernandez
(no meals served, but plenty of cafeterias and some popular restaurants nearby)


List of visitors