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Safety Psychology
 Psychometrics - Universitat de Valencia (España)
Course Topic T docs: Theory and Methods
P docs: Problems and Cases - Practice Ancillary Files
Course presentation

Recommended MOOC course:
"Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects."
by McMaster University & University of California San Diego
- Coursera
Introduction to Psychometrics

The role of Psychometrics:
-T1.1. The Role of Psychometrics.pdf
-T1.2. Psychometrics as a way.pdf

Psychometrics, definitions and structure:
-T1.3. Psychometrics: Definitions and Structure.pdf

Psychological Measurement:
-T1.4. Basic concepts on Psychological Measurement.pdf

Scales of Measurement:
-T1.5. Types of scales and Statistics.pdf
-T1.6. Isomorphism, operations and Statistics.pdf

Basics of Statistics:
Test scores
-T1.7. Basic Score Types.pdf

Psychometrics CTT and validity using SPSS:
-P1.1. SPSS Tutorial and Solved Practice.pdf
-P1.1. Protected EXCEL Data.xlsx

Psychometrics CTT and validity using Stata:
-P1.2. Stata Tutorial and Solved Practice.pdf
-P1.2. Protected EXCEL Data.xlsx

-P1.2. Stata do file: Stata14.do file

-QP01_2_Stata14 data.dta
-QP01_2_Stata13 data.dta
-QP01_2_Stata12_11 data.dta
[To use any Stata version data file: 1. Copy the link address; 2. Stata command line: write "use" and paste the doc link.]

[To use any Stata do file: 1. Open-Select All-Copy; 2. Stata: Open a new do file - Paste]

-QP01_2 Questions. pdf
-QP01_2 Analysis. A screen recording

-Stata data using myapps (Mmedia.uv.es)
[How to open a Stata dta file from Stata using myapps.uv.es - a screen recording]

Basics of Statistics:
The three basic score types and the normalized z-score transformations using EXCEL:
-P1.3. Basic Score Types using EXCEL.pdf

Learning SPSS:
- Howell, D.C - Leerkes, E. Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (A SPSS handbook).

Learning Stata:
- YouTube: Getting started with Stata
- UCLA - Institute for Digital Research and Education (Idra):  Resources to help you learn and use Stata (and other statistical packages).
- Introduction to Stata - C.F. Baum Boston College
- Stata tutorial - Princenton University - Germán Rodríguez
- Baldwin, S.A. (2019). Psychological Statistics and Psychometrics using Stata. Stata Press. (see Trobes.uv.es - UV Libraries).

Learning EXCEL:
- http://www.excel-easy.com/

Choosing a statistical analysis:
- What statistical analysis should I use? - (IDRA) UCLA
Fundamentals of Psychological Scaling for Test and Scale Construction
General Process of Scaling and Measurement:
-T2.1. The general process of scaling and measurement.pdf

-T2.2. Additional information: Scaling and Attitudes.pdf

Case Practice: Attitude item generation and rationale qualitative analysis:
-P2.1. Attitude item generation and qualitative analysis.pdf

A challenging Case Practice:
Tests Scores and Missing Values on the HPA New Zealand Attitudes and Behavior towards Alcohol Survey 2014/2015:
-P2.2. Tests Scores and Missing Values on a professional survey.pdf

-P2.2. Excel Fictitious Data (protected).xlsx

A professional survey:
-The Report and Questionnaire: Attitudes and Behaviour towards Alcohol Survey 2014/15: Questionnaire [from The Health Promotion Agency (HPA). New Zealand.]

-EXCEL data for Stata using myapps (Mmedia.uv.es)
[How to download a protected EXCEL data file, save it unprotected, and import it from Stata using myapps.uv.es - a screen recording]
Methods of Psychological Scaling
Thurstone's Pairwise Comparisons:
-T3.1. Thurstone Pairwise Comparisons.pdf

Thurstone's Equal Appearing Intervals (EAI):
-T3.2. Thurstone Equal Appearing Intervals.pdf

-T3.3. Thurstone Scaling Methods: Additional Information.pdf

Likert Scales:
-T3.4. Likert Scales.pdf

Osgood's Semantic Differential:
-T3.5. Osgood's Semantic Differential.pdf

Guttman's Scalogram Analysis:
-T3.6. Guttman Scales.pdf
Thurstone's Paired Comparisons:
-P3.1. Paired Comparisons.pdf

Thurstone's Equal Appearing Intervals (EAI):
-P3.2. Equal Appearing Intervals.pdf

Likert Scales:
-P3.3. Likert Procedure: Problems and Case.pdf
Updated 20181002

-P3.3. Problem 3. A Likert EXCEL Calculator: reverse worded items, total scores and missing values.xls
-P3.3. Case 4. S10/12 Datafile (protected).xlsx

-P3.3. Likert Tutorial for "Case 4. The Job Satisfaction Scales.pdf"
[How to solve Likert Case 4 from the doc "P3.3. Likert procedure: Problems and Case.pdf"]

Osgood Semantic Differential:
-P3.4. Osgood case.pdf

Guttman's Scalogram Analysis:
-P3.5. Guttman Cases and Problems.pdf

Basics of mathematics:
Combinations for paired comparisons:
-Permutations and Combinations
-Paired Comparisons (Empty) Data Spreadsheet.xls
[This empty EXCEL data spreadsheet may help you to record Paired Comparisons data and to analyze transitivity]

-EXCEL calculator for Thurstone's Paired Comparisons (Mmedia.uv.es)
[How to create an EXCEL calculator for solving Paired Comparisons problems - a screen recording]

-Interpolation median for Thurstone's EAI using EXCEL (Mmedia.uv.es)
[How to calculate the "Thurstone Equal Appearing Intervals (EAI)" scale values as the interpolation median using EXCEL - a screen recording]

Scales for Organizational Psychology:

The Job Satisfaction Questionnaires S4/82, S20/23, and S10/12:
-Full papers and questionnaires

Going beyond Psychology:
The American Marketing Association
-Marketing and marketing research
-An example of a professional website
Test Construction
Tests and test types:
-T4.1. Tests types.pdf

Item types:
-T4.2. Item types.pdf

Test Construction:
-T4.3. Test construction.pdf

Difficulty analysis:
-T4.4. Difficulty analysis.pdf

Item analysis:
-T4.5. Item analysis.pdf
Updated 20181116

Difficulty Analysis and Profiles:
-P4.1 Difficulty analysis.pdf

Item Analysis:
-P4.2 Item Analysis.pdf
Updated 20181218

Distractor Analysis:
-P4.3 Distractor Analysis: A solved case.pdf
Updated 20191016
Quiz solutions:
Index of difficulty, q index, item variance, test q-profile and elementary distractor analysis for multiple choice items -a small solved example.
-Q T4 October, 17 - Screen record. m4v
Classical Test Theory (CTT): Basics of the classic linear model
Scenario 1:
CTT: Model and the Standard Error of Measurement:
-T5.1. The Classical Test Model and the Standard Error of Measurement.pdf

Scenario 2:
CTT: Two approaches for Reliability and the Basic Equations:
-T5.2. The Basic Equations for Reliability.pdf

An Ad Hoc Solution:
-T5.3. Parallel Measurements.pdf

Basics of Statistics:
The relationship between test scores:
-P5.1 Analyzing the relationship between test scores: Covariances and Correlations.pdf

Estimating the main Classical Test Theory equations:
-P5.2 The main CTT equations.pdf

The estimation of reliability assuming constant Standard Error of Measurement (SEM):
-P5.3. Assuming SEM constant.pdf

Videos explaining some basics of theme 5 docs:
-T5.1 CTT. Basic concepts.mp4 (Mmedia.uv.es)
[A video explaining some basic CTT concepts from the doc T5.1]
-T5.2 CTT. Basic equations.mp4 (Mmedia.uv.es)
[A video explaining some basic CTT equations from the doc T5.1 slides 1-13]
Estimation of Reliability
Procedures for estimating test reliability based on parallel measurements:
-T6.1. The estimation of test reliability.pdf

The relationships between the test total scores and the item scores:
-T6.2. Item-test statistics relationships.pdf

Reliability and test length: The Spearman-Brown prophecy:
-T6.3. Spearman-Brown.pdf

The Standard Error of Measurement prophecy:
-T6.4. SEM prophecy.pdf

The Internal Consistency: Alpha, Hoyt, KR20 and KR21:
-T6.5. Alpha, KR20 and KR21.pdf

The interpretation of the Reliability Coefficient and the Standard Error of Measurement:
-T6.6. The interpretation of the reliability.pdf

The estimation of the True Scores: Point estimation and Confidence Intervals:
-T6.7. The estimation of true scores. pdf

Procedures for estimating test reliability based on parallel measurements: Parallel forms, Test-retest and Split-half methods:
-P6.1. Parallel, Test-retest and Split-half.pdf

Reliability and test length: Spearman-Brown and SEM prophecies
-P6.2. Spearman-Brown and SEM.pdf

The estimation of the Internal Consistency:
-P6.3. Alpha, KR20, KR21.pdf

Alpha using Hoyt Procedures and Alpha using a two-way ANOVA:
-P6.4. Alpha using Hoyt and ANOVA procedures.pdf
-P6.4. Stata Data: Guttman like Data.dta
-P6.4. Stata do file: Alpha Reshape Anova Hoyt.do

Basics of Statistics:
The linear relationship between two sets of scores: Covariances, Correlations and Regression
-P6.5. Linear relationships.pdf
-P6.5. Stata Data: X and Y data.dta
-P6.5. Stata do file: X and Y linear relationships.do
-P6.5. Stata Data: X and Y unsolved.dta

The estimation of the True Scores and Confidence Intervals:
-P6.6. True scores.pdf

(Old T7)

The concept of Validity:
-T7.1. Concept of Validity.pdf

Historical Evolution:
-T7.2. History of Validity theory.pdf

Validity of Psychological Inferences:
-T7.3. Validity as the support for Psychological Inferences.pdf

What's Validity?
-P7.1. What is Validity?.pdf

Validity and Prediction on qualitative variables
-P7.2. Prediction Qualitative.pdf

 Validity and Prediction on discrete variables
-P7.3. Prediction Discrete.pdf

Validity and Prediction on continuous variables
-P7.4. Prediction Continuous.pdf

Psychometrician as a profession:
-A day in the life of a psychometrician in the utilities industry
T9 (Old T8)
Validity: Internal sources of evidence Validity. Internal Sources of Evidence:
-T8.1. Validity: Internal Sources.pdf

Content validity:
-T8.2. Content Validity.pdf

Factor Analysis:
-T8.3. Factor Analysis: The basic concepts.pdf

-T8.4. Factor Analysis: Steps and interpretation.pdf

-T8.5. Factor Analysis: Rotation.pdf

Inter-rater reliability:
-P8.1. Inter-rater reliability.pdf
-P8.1. Inter-rater reliability: Excel Data.xlsx

Content validity:
-P8.2. Content Validity.pdf
-P8.2. Content Validity: Excel Data.xlsx

Factor Analysis. Output interpretation:
-P8.3. Factor Analysis: SPSS output interpretation.pdf

Factor Analysis. The analysis and interpretation of the rotated factor matrix:
-P8.4. Factor Analysis: Analysis and interpretation of the rotated factor matrix.pdf

Factor Analysis:
-UCLA - Idra (Institute for Digital Research and Education): Factor Analysis Annotated SPSS Output.
-UCLA - Idra (Institute for Digital Research and Education): Factor Analysis Annotated Stata Output. 

Annotated output:
-UCLA: Idra (Institute for Digital Research and Education): Annotated Output SPSS, Stata and others.

Videos explaining some basics of theme 8 docs:
-P08.1 s6-7 Inter-rater Percentage of Agreement.mp4 (Mmedia.uv.es)

-P08.1 s9 Probability of Agreement by chance.mp4 (Mmedia.uv.es)

-P08.1 s10, 12-15 Cohen's Kappa.mp4 (Mmedia.uv.es)

-T08.2 P08.2 Content validity: Hambleton's method, Lawshe's method, and Rovinelli and Hambleton's method - Solved examples.mp4 (Mmedia.uv.es)
T10 (Old T9)
Validity: External sources of evidence

Validity evidence based on external sources: The criterion-related validity:
-T9.1. The criterion related validity.pdf

Validity evidence for two or more predictive tests:
-T9.2. Validity evidence with Multiple Predictors.pdf

Validity evidence controlling for the effects of other variables:
-T9.3. Validity using semipartial correlation.pdf

-T9.4. Validity using partial correlation.pdf

Construct validity, convergent and discriminant validity and the multitrait-multimethod matrix:
-T9.5. Construct validity.pdf

Validity evidence for categorical criteria:
-T9.6. Validity for categorical criteria.pdf

Validity and Prediction using a predictor variable:
-P9.1. Prediction using a predictor variable.pdf

Criterion-Related Validation:
-P9.2. Criterion Validity.pdf

The interpretation of the validity coefficient:
-P9.3. Interpretation of the criterion validity coefficient.pdf.

Criterion Validation for several predictor tests:
-P9.4. Validity evidence using Multiple Regression.pdf

Criterion validation controlling for the effects of one or more variables:
-P9.5. Validity evidence using Partial and Semipartial correlations.pdf

Validation using categorical criteria:
-P9.6. Categorical criteria.pdf

Validation using categorical criteria:
-P9.7. Challenging Case in Sport Psychology.pdf

Annotated output:
-UCLA: Idra (Institute for Digital Research and Education): Stata FAQ: Regression by groups.

Annotated output:
-UCLA: Idra (Institute for Digital Research and Education): SPSS FAQ: How can I compare regression coefficients between two groups?

A useful SPSS manual:
- Howell, D.C - Leerkes, E. Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences.

- Statistics for Psychology Ian Walker (using SPSS)

-P09.4. Problem 13: Ian Walker SPSS Data

Learning Stata: Video examples:
-Simple linear regression in Stata
-Multiple linear regression in Stata

Can you read and understand psychometric papers?:
-Psychometric Properties of the Psychological State Test for Athletes (TEP)

T11 (Old T10)
Validity: Other Aspects
Factors affecting test validity:
-T10.1. Factors affecting validity. pdf

Validity and decision making:
-T10.2. Validity and decision making.pdf

Classification efficiency statistics:
-T10.3. Classification Statistics.pdf

Bias in selection:
-T10.4. Bias in selection.pdf

COP and ITC Guidelines on test use:
-T10.5. Guidelines on test use.pdf

Disattenuating the validity coefficient:
-P10.1. Disattenuation.pdf

Classification efficiency statistics and bias in prediction:
-P10.2. A Bias in selection case.pdf

Classification efficiency statistics: Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and optimal selection cutpoint:
-P10.3. Classification Efficiency.pdf
-P10.3. Problem 4. Stata Data.dta
-P10.3. Problem 4. Stata Instructions.do

Integrative transverse case practice:
-P10.4. Achievement Motivation Case.pdf
Can you read and understand psychometric papers?:
-A clinical example: The tinnitus handicap inventory.

Main applications of validity:
-Personnel Selection Procedures (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology)

Guidelines on test use:
-The International Test Commission

Consejo General de la Psicología de España:
- Normas mínimas para el uso de los tests
- Directrices internacionales para el uso de los tests.

Classification efficiency statistics:
MEDCALC: Diagnostic Test Evaluation Calculator

T12 (Old T11)
Interpretation of Test Scores
The interpretation of test scores:
-T11.1.The interpretation of test scores.pdf

Scoring and Correcting for Guessing:
-P11.1. Scoring and correcting for guessing.pdf

Setting Standards:
-P11.2. Setting standards.pdf

Sampling for Normative Samples (or other purposes):
-P11.3. Sampling.pdf

Norms and Standard Scores:
-P11.4. Norms and standard scores.pdf

Score Equating:
-P11.5. Equating.pdf

Integrative transverse case practice:
-P11.6. Gender Case.pdf
-P11.6. Excel Data.xlsx
-P11.6. CAIG Questionnaire.pdf
-P11.6. Short form questionnaire and additional variables.pdf

Random numbers for random sampling or random assignment:
-Research Randomizer.

Am I able to read and understand psychometric papers?:
-A clinical example: Handelzalts,  J.E., Hairston, I.S., Matatyahu, A. (2018). Construct Validity and Psychometric Properties of the Hebrew Version of the City Birth Trauma Scale.
T7.1 (Old T12)
Item Response Theory (IRT): Models, estimation and fit
IRT, CTT and FA: similarities and differences:
-IRT and CTT features.pdf

IRT Assumptions and main concepts:
-IRT Assumptions.pdf

The basic IRT models and parameters: Normal Ogive and Logistic Models (1PL, 2PL and 3PL):

-IRT basic models.pdf

Relating IRT to CTT:
-IRT from CTT.pdf

Statistical dependence and local independence:
-P Local Independence.pdf
-P Example of Stata do file.do
-P Examples of EXCEL files.xlsx

The interpretation of Item Characteristic Curves (ICC):
-P The interpretation of ICCs.pdf

Approaching IRT from CTT: empirical ICCs and logistic regression:
-P Approaching IRT from CTT.pdf
-P Stata do file: IRT from CTT.do.pdf

Estimation of IRT models using Stata:
-P Estimating and interpreting IRT 1PL models.pdf
-P Stata data file: Stata1PL1.dta

How to calculate Pearson, Point-Biserial, and Biserial
-P Pearson, Point-Biserial and Biserial.pdf

Introduction to Item Response Theory:
-What is item response theory?
-Innovative Psychometrics by Assessment Systems (a psychometrics company).

T7.2 (Old T13)
Item Response Theory (IRT): Applications
IRT Information functions:
-Information functions.pdf

IRT Applications:
-IRT Applications.pdf

Rasch estimation:
-P Rasch models estimation using Stata.pdf
Updated 2020 03 26

IRT estimation using Structural Equation Models (SEM):
-P IRT estimation using Structural Equation Models (SEM).pdf

Combining IRT and CTT
-P A challenging case combining IRT and CTT


- Documento Síntesis de Conceptos Principales.docx.pdf
-MPGS. Introducción.pptx.pdf
-MPGS. C1-2.pptx.pdf
-MPGS. C4.pptx.pdf
-MPGS. C5.pptx.pdf
-MPGS. C7.pptx.pdf
-MPGS. C8.pptx.pdf

Libro completo pdf:
Meliá, J.L. (2001). Teoría de la Fiabilidad y la Validez. Valencia: Cristobal Serrano.
Libro completo pdf:
Meliá, J.L. (1990). La Construcción de la Psicometría como Ciencia Teórica y Aplicada. Valencia: Cristobal Serrano.
Libro completo pdf:
Meliá, J.L. (1997). Análisis de datos con BMDP. Valencia. Cristobal Serrano.
Libro completo pdf:
Meliá, J.L. (1991). Métodos de Escalamiento Uiidimensional. Valencia. CSV.

Tablas Estadísticas / Statistical Tables
Tabla A / Table A (pdf)
Distribución Normal: Puntuaciones Z y nivel de significación bilateral p
Normal distribution: Z values and two tail p probability
           Two-tailed standard Normal table: two-tail p-values corresponding to Z scores
Tabla D / Table D (pdf)
Distribución t
t distribution

Tabla B / Table B (pdf)
Distribución Normal: Puntuaciones Z y proporción acumulada de cola izquierda
Cumulative Standardized Normal Distribution - Left-tailed normal distribution table: Z and left tail p
Tabla D1 / Table D1
Tabla abreviada de la distribución t
t distribution (short version)
Tabla C / Table C (pdf)
Distribución Normal: Z, proporción acumulada (cola izquierda) p y ordenada (y)
Cumulative Standardized Normal Distribution: Z scores, left tail p and ordinates y
Tabla E / Table E (pdf)
Nivel de significación del coeficiente de correlación de Pearson
Pearson correlation and statistical significance