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New training session for coaches with Óscar de Paula

  • Web and Marketing Unit
  • March 11th, 2024

The training sessions for coaches of the Basketball Chair L'Alqueria del Basket of the Universitat de València continue.

Cartel de la actividad con Óscar Paula

March is a busy month as it will host two of these sessions. In this runner-up, Óscar de Paula will be the protagonist of the event, which will take place on Wednesday 27th March.

He will share his knowledge on "Methodological strategies for effective feedback". A talk that will be held in the main court of L'Alqueria from 20:30h to 22:15h. It will be also available online.

Registration form

About Óscar de Paula

Óscar de Paula is a Spanish coach with a wide experience in both education and coaching. Regarding his career as a coach and training of athletes, he took his first steps in the La Salle School in Moncada. He then went on to play for different clubs in Catalonia until the 15/16 season, when he made the leap to Joventut Badalona, where he coached the youth and cadets for three seasons. His latest club experience is with CB Granollers in the U17 and U18 categories. At regional level he was in the Catalan Federation where he became U16 coach and where he also did educational work. Among many other things, since 2019 he has been Director of the Multimedia and Personalised Learning Area at the Pablo Laso Training Camp organised by Gigantes del Basket. On top of that, Óscar de Paula is very active in conferences and other academic activities.