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Dr. Enrique Bernal-Delgado

  • 16 noviembre de 2022

Senior Scientist. Head of the Data Science for Health Services and Policy Research Group Institute for Health Sciences. IACS.

Enrique Bernal-Delgado MD PhD is also Master in Public Health and Master in Health Economics. After a period as Visiting Scholar at The Dartmouth Institute (Dartmouth Medical School, NH, USA), he founded the Data Sciences for Health Services and Policy research group at the Institute for Health Sciences in Aragon (IACS) where currently holds the position of senior scientist.

His research areas are a) the study of unwarranted variations in health systems performance (i.e., the analysis of equity, utilization, quality and safety, and effectiveness and efficiency) included the policy analysis of those health systems; b) the comparative effectiveness of complex interventions delivered to chronic and fragile populations; and, c) the development of methodology for the reuse of massive real world data.
Mr. Bernal Delgado most representative projects has been: AtlasVPM and ECHO projects where care performance in several countries is assessed using a number of validated indicators; IctusNet, where the group explores the use of big data analytics in the evaluation of care pathways in Acute Stroke; REDISSEC, Spanish network on health services research and chronic conditions, where he is leading the scientific program on Comparative Effectiveness Research on a number of patient cohorts; and, ICCONIC a world-wide initiative led by the Harvard Global Health Institute, where the team is contributing to the analysis of the care delivered to high-need patients. Currently, leads CONCEPT, a large project built on the reuse of real-world data to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of health care in four Spanish cohorts. He has recently been granted with two projects on COVID19 - PHIRI and By-COVID, where is assessing the direct and indirect effects of the Pandemic in Europe.

When it comes to building capacity, co-leads several projects aiming the development of federated research infrastructures for secondary use of routine data in population health research and health services and policy research (BRIDGEHealth, INFACT JA, PHIRI and By-COVID) and actively contributes to the the development of the European Health Research and Innovation Cloud and to the European Health Data Space throughout the CSA HealthyCloud and the Joint Action TEDHAS, respectively.
Also, he leads the publication of the digital Atlas of Variations in Medical Practice (last issue here http://www.atlasvpm.org/hpe-zbs) whose main audience are decision makers in the Spanish Health System. He represents the Spanish counterpart of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, WHO Europe, whose main output is the health policy analysis of the Spanish Health System, (see https://eurohealthobservatory.who.int/countries/spain/). He has been actively advising the OECD Health Division (e.g., the OECD Health Care Quality Indicators project) and has been invited as international expert in events fostered by the European Commission (e.g., expert group on Health Systems Performance Assessment, expert meeting on the Joint Assessment Framework on Health or European group on health information systems) or the European Parliament (e.g., STOA workshops). Currently involved in the design of the European Health Data Space fostered by DG Santé, European Commission.

Finally, Mr. Bernal-Delgado is former President of the Spanish Health Economics Association, and currently editor in chief of the Atlas of Variations in Health Care in Spain. Also, he has acted as editor of BMC Health Services Research and Section Editor of Archives of Public Health.


Enrique Bernal-Delgado
Dr. Enrique Bernal-Delgado