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I Mediterranean Meeting of Young Researchers in Optics

  • Crystal Growth and Semiconductor Characterization Group (CRECYCSEM)
  • April 18th, 2024
I Mediterranean Meeting of Young Researchers in Optics

The PhD student, Carolina Fernández Saiz, will participate in the I Mediterranean Meeting of Young Researchers in Optics (M2YRO). This is divided into a two-day scientific conference and one-day outreach fair. This event merges early-career researchers and students in Optics and Photonics, providing a space for networking and sharing insights into emerging trends and challenges.

Carolina Fernández Saiz, a PhD student in the research group, will present at the workshop the flash talk entitled "Gallium and indium sesquioxides using Mist-CVD".

The meeting is the Eastern edition of the annual North-western MYRO organized by Salamanca and Santiago de Compostela’s chapters that already counts with two editions.I Trobada Mediterrània de Joves Investigadors en Òptica

M²YRO signifies a great opportunity to merge two of the most active Student Chapters in the Mediterranean region of Spain, dedicated to joining young researchers and students in Optics and Photonics. A meeting for students by students.The aim of this meeting event is not only to stimulate the exchange of ideas among participants but also to cultivate and promote active collaboration across various fields, including visual optics, imaging, and non-linear optics. With this diverse range of topics, attendees will have a unique opportunity to explore different perspectives, deepening their understanding and interest in these study areas. Furthermore, this event provides a huge opportunity to young students to meet recognized researchers, as well as those in the early stages of their scientific careers, whether in master’s or doctoral programs. In line with this concept, establishing stronger connections with the expansive industry community associated with Optics and Photonics will be another key focus at our event.

In addition to scientific subjects, M²YRO seeks to create a platform for addressing hot topics such as diversity, inclusion, and mental health within the scientific community. Several studies highlight the prevalence of mental health issues in science. The publishing pressure, funding competition, and often the solitary nature of scientific work can lead to elevated levels of stress, anxiety, and depression among researchers. Given that the intended audience comprises young researchers and students, these discussions are not only vital for fostering a healthy career development but also beneficial for promoting new ways of doing science from a diverse and inclusive point of view.

The final motivational aspect behind this event lies in recognizing diversity and inclusion. It is well- known that promoting equity among individuals with diverse perspectives, coming from different cultural backgrounds, genders, and experiences, enhances the scientific process. This can only be achieved through the contribution of a range of perspectives and innovative solutions.

Date: From 18 to 20 April 2024.

Location: Saló de Graus Lise Meitner, University of Valencia.

Program (PDF)