The Universitat de València has one of the widest ranges of doctoral programmes of all Spanish universities, with 60 programmes covering all fields of knowledge. Choose your doctorate and pre-register – the deadline is 26 June.
The number of students enrolled in the UV's Doctoral Programmes surpasses the 4,500 mark. These figures reflect our academic institution's continuous commitment to educational excellence and cutting-edge research.
The UV offers a wide range of doctoral study opportunities in a variety of fields. The offer includes 17 doctoral programmes in Basic Sciences and Engineering, 13 programmes in Health Sciences, 20 in Social Sciences and 10 in Humanities. These programmes are designed to promote innovation, excellence and the internalisation of future doctors.
The Doctoral School of the UV fosters internationalisation by promoting doctoral theses under a joint supervision system in collaboration with other universities, as well as theses with international mention. As a result, approximately 30% of the theses defended each year are written in collaboration with other academic institutions or have an international mention.
The UV carries out important research that is both extensive and of high quality, resulting in a scientific output that places it among the top Spanish universities in all international rankings. It also shares research institutes with the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the quality of its research has been recognised with the Severo Ochoa and María de Maeztu Seals of Excellence.
The Universitat de València offers an extensive selection of programmes designed to support and encourage research talent. These programmes include the Talent Attraction pre-doctoral grants, which aim to attract the best students to help them shape their formative and research careers at the UV. In addition, the UV offers opportunities for pre-doctoral mobility, facilitating short stays abroad for teachers and the participation of Guest Researchers. Our institution also provides a cutting-edge scientific infrastructure, competitive projects and support programmes for participation in EU initiatives.
Throughout its constant commitment to innovation and transfer of knowledge, the Universitat de València offers the Valorise and Transfer grants programme, which aim to carry out proof of concept projects. Furthermore, as part of its mission of transfer to society, the UV Doctoral School promotes and supports industrial doctorates and other doctoral programmes in collaboration with companies, entities and institutions from both the public and the private sectors.
This initiative promotes a close collaboration between academia and the business sector, thus creating opportunities for innovation, applied research, entrepreneurship and technological development, which accelerate progress and success in Valencia and beyond. The UV Science Park stands out in this respect. It is home to more than 90 pioneering technology companies that have emerged from scientific research. Additionally, the UV has a business incubator designed to support spin-offs and other business projects during their early stages of growth. It also has three additional business incubators that foster start-ups and emerging companies by providing a favourable environment for their development and consolidation.
Where and when can I pre-enrol?
The Web and Marketing Unit has launched a new website dedicated to the admission to the UV doctoral programmes. This website provides details of the admissions process and includes tutorials to guide you through the online pre-registration process. The site's landing page makes it easy to access all the information through vertical scrolling, allowing for clear and simple searches.
Pre-registration will be available from Thursday 25 April, and the application period will remain open until 26 June at 14:00. Afterwards, an extraordinary pre-registration phase will be opened from 23 October to 25 October (until 14:00), during which the vacant places of the doctoral programmes will be offered.
Don't miss the chance to step up in your academic and professional trajectory! Enrol in a doctoral programme at the Universitat de València!
- Discover the entire offer of doctoral programmes at the UV: https://www.uv.es/uvweb/college/en/doctoral-studies-1286326835602.html?