The facilities of our Universitat, like the building where the Institute of International Economy is located, are designed for satisfying the universal accessibility requirements (in accordance with the Law 51/2003, of 2nd September, of equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility of persons with disabilities). Facilities are equipped with the most recent technological developments, specially the connection without wire to a net.
When it comes to the property, the Technical and Maintenance Service of the Universitat and the Vice-Principal of Infrastructure and Economy of the Faculty of Economics ensure its review, maintenance and update.
As far as the property is concerned, (computing resources, library resources, etc.), the Computer Service and the Documentation and Information Service of the Universitat ensure its review, maintenance, update and acquisition.
List of facilities:
-Institute of International Economy
· Equipped with connection to network without wire
· IEI Researchers Room: Work place for research equipped with computers, connection to network.
· IEI Seminars Room: Audio-visuals, with Internet access, blackboard, projector
-Library of Social Sciences ‘Gregori Maians’
Bibliographic resources are enough and accessible for covering what is expected in our doctorate program. Computer with network connection accessible for students. Network connection points (even without wire) for laptops. The online catalogue of our Universitat inform about the bibliographic documents available. Through it there is access to electronic databases, electronic books, work documents, resource guidelines by thematic areas, etc. In addition, different specific training activities are organised in cooperation.
The Universitat de València has different types of grants in order to finance doctoral studies, student’s residence and their international mobility.
The following own scholarships programs of the Universitat de València should be highlighted:
- Vice-Principal Scholarships of Internationalisation and Cooperation of the Universitat de València for doctoral studies “Juan Castelló” addressed to students from cooperation countries. (https://www.uv.es/uvweb/universidad/es/relaciones-internacionales/cooperacion/programas-propios-becas/estudiar-uv/becas-doctorado-juan-castello-1285995594060.html)
- Young Researchers Scholarships of the Cooperation Programme 0’7 of the Universitat de València addressed to researchers from developing countries.
- Grants for mobility of the postgraduate erasmus mobility programme (doctorate international mobility).
Additional information about grants and help in the web page of the Doctoral school. (https://www.uv.es/uvweb/escola-doctorat/ca/admissio-matricula/beques-1285979614313.html)
The Universitat de València has the Uvjob service whose main objective is making easier and boosting the integration into the job market of students and graduates of the Universitat de València.
The following tools, which have proven to be very useful when it comes to the active job seeking are available for graduates:
- Tools and techniques for job seeking
- Studies on labour market insertion of doctorates ((https://www.uv.es/uvjob/en/studies-research/analysis-insertion-graduates-doctors/study-doctors.html)
- Possible career opportunities after completing doctoral studies ( https://www.uv.es/uvjob/en/news/phd-where-go-there-1286047064822/Novetat.html?id=1286066728728)
- Most valued competences and profiles
- Training of interest for employability
- Planning and development of the professional career
University-Business Foundation of the Universitat de València-ADEIT (http://www.adeituv.es/empleabilidad/) develops a wide range of different services and programmes so as to enhance the competences and skills development that lead to student’s entrepreneurship, practical training in collaborating entities, as well as a proper information level about job opportunities. The Motivem program stands out.
The Faculty of Economics, has two initiatives in support of entrepreneurship of graduate students:
- Mentoring Club of the Faculty of Economics (https://www.uv.es/uvweb/economy/en/faculty/mentors-club-faculty-economics/introduction-1285967227072.html) whose objective is improving training and professional development of postgraduate students.
-Entrepreneur club.