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Compulsory student insurance

Student insurance offers protection for students under the age of 28 who are enrolled in official university courses. This coverage can be used until the end of doctoral studies in case of illnesses, accidents occurring on the University grounds and family misfortunes. You are ineligible if you are a student over 28 or you possess a valid social security card even though you are receiving unemployment benefits.


An accident at university is an accident that befalls students in activities related exclusively to their status as students.
The services provided in case of school-related accidents: complete medical and pharmaceutical care, hospital stay, surgical procedures and financial compensation in the event of disability or death, according to circumstances:


  1. Having paid, by students, the annual fee of the student insurance which is paid simultaneously along with the enrolment fee of   such academic year.
  2. Students must be under 28 years old and, if they turn 28, it must be within the academic year they are enrolled in when the accident befalls.
  3. Students, on the day of the accident, must not be registered for work (self-employed activity or is employed by others) in the Social Security System, neither to be receiving the unemployment benefit nor any other type of subsidy or compensation, since in this case, students must make use of the Social Security card.

Nationalities comprised within the Student Insurance

  • All Spanish students who fulfil the above conditions.
  • Nationalities of all the countries belonging with the European Union, as well as those countries covered by the agreement on      European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), who fulfil the aforementioned conditions and have ACR I-Card.
  •  Refugees and stateless people who live within the territory of the above named countries, and who fulfil the above conditions.
  • All foreign students living in Spain under the same conditions that Spaniards (that is, with a valid residence permit for Spain) and who fulfil the aforementioned conditions.

The student insurance does not cover the ambulance displacement of the student to the hospital, unless the doctor who assists the student certificates it as a vital urgency. The student must go to ANY DOCTOR OR CENTRE COLLABORATOR WITH THE SCHOOL INSURANCE, in extremely urgent cases and due to proximity, the student may go to any CLOSE SOCIAL WELFARE HOSPITAL.


  •  Claim to Benefits of the School Insurance
  •   I.D in the case of Spaniards
  •  ACR I-Card in the case of foreign who belong to the European Economic Community.
  •  Residence permit in case of foreign living in Spain who does not belong to the European Economic Community
  •  Printed receipt of the registration fee of the Faculty, the academic year, of the subjects and the payment of the fee of the Student Insurance.

Students not covered by school insurance

Students who do not meet the above requirements to be covered by school insurance must take out medical and accident insurance covered, either through the European Health Insurance Card or through private insurance for health and accidents.