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Fees payment calendar 2024/25 (IUV 4/2024)

Tuition fees for higher education are set every year in a decree by the Council of the Valencian government.

Fees for 2024/2025 academic year set by the Decree 101/2024, 2 August 2024, are:

  • Opening of record:  27,34 €
  • Expedition, University card maintenance:  5,87 €
  • Supervision of doctoral thesis:  300 €

The price per credit for master's degree subjects included as specific training complements will be that corresponding to the master's degree in question.


The exemption can only be applied and the rebate can only be applied if some of the conditions established in the regulations are recognised during the registration period for new students or their renewal in the case of second or subsequent registration students.

Fees will not be refunded if the condition was not recognised or if the recognition certificate was issued after the enrolment period.

Registration dates:

  • Renewal of enrolment for second or subsequent year students: from 1 to 15 October 2024.
  • Enrolment of new students for the ordinary period: from 10 to 17 October 2024.
  • Enrolment of new students for the extraordinary period: from 9 to 11 December 2024.

Families with 3 or more children:

  •  Special category: Total exemption from payment of fees.
  •  General category: 50% discount on tuition fees.

Accreditation: Accredited with the official certificate or with the large family card.

If the certificate is being processed, the application for recognition or renewal must be submitted. You will have to send to the School of Doctoral Studies by electronic registry the proof of the degree until 31 December of the current year, after this date the exemption will be cancelled and you will have to pay the amount of the enrolment fee without discount.

Single-parent family:

  •  Special category: Total exemption from payment of fees.
  •  General category: 50% discount

Accreditation: collective family certificate or individual card issued by the competent administration.

In the event that the certificate is being processed, an application for recognition or renewal must be submitted. The justification of the degree must be sent to the Doctoral School by electronic registration until 31 December of the current year, after this date the exemption will be cancelled and the amount of the registration fee will have to be paid without discount.

Victims of armed or terrorist organisations:

They will enjoy total exemption from the payment of fees both students/students who have been victims, as well as their spouses not legally separated and children.

Accreditation: certificate issued by the Ministry of the Interior.

Victims of gender-based violence:

Students who have been victims, as well as their dependent sons and daughters under the age of 25, will be exempted from paying the fees.

Accreditation and limited temporality in the period of execution of:

  •     Protection order in favour of the victim in force.
  •     Report from the Public Prosecutor's Office indicating that there is evidence of gender violence, until a protection order is issued.
  •     Final or firm conviction with validity for the duration of the protection and security measures in favour of the victim.

Students with disabilities:

Total exemption from payment of the fees regulated in this chapter for taxpayers affected by a disability equal to or greater than 33%, except for school insurance, if applicable.

Accreditation: document issued by the competent body of the administration.

Students who have been subject to the juvenile protection system or the judicial re-education system for a period of three years prior to reaching the age of majority:

Total exemption from the payment of fees.

Accreditation: through the provincial territorial directorates of the Department of Equality and Inclusive Policies of the Valencian Community.

Students who are in a situation of social exclusion:

Total exemption from the payment of fees.

Accreditation: This can be accredited with the resolution approving the Valencian Inclusion Income or by means of a report from the municipal social services.

Temporary: As long as the person's situation does not change and/or the benefit is maintained. Therefore, it will be necessary to accredit the current situation at the date of the procedure, in the current academic year.