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 What are transversal training activities?

While the main activity of the doctorate is the research, the doctoral programmes include other training activities that contain both transversal training and specific training in the field of each programme.

To know the obligatory and optional activities recognized for each doctoral programme, its duration or equivalent charge in hours and the minimum number of hours that must be done, the doctoral student must consult the website of the programme (section "Structure", sub-sections "Transversal Activities" and "Specific Activities") and the indications of its Academic Committee and its tutor.

For the case of transversal training activities, every academic year the Doctoral School approves the general offer  and publishes it on its website.

The transversal activities approved are offered in one or more editions, depending on the number of students envisaged, with different dates, profiles and languages. All editions are distance-learning courses (online), last for 15 hours and are taught through the UV Virtual Classroom (https://moodle.uv.es) for approximately three weeks.



The registration in the transversal training activities is free and is currently carried out through the computer platform of the Permanent Training and Educational Innovation Service (SFPIE) (VERY IMPORTANT access with the UV Student account and password) during the period of application approved by the Doctorate School and announced every academic year on its website.

Prior to enrolment, it is important to consult the offer approved during the academic year and to plan the specific activities and editions of the same ones you wish to take, taking into account the following aspects:

  • Each student can enrol in a single edition of each course (for example, the course with code 50000 “Scientifical Article Writing” has 13 editions; students can register only in one of these editions. If you do not pass the activity with PASS / QUALIFIED, you can not take the activity until the next academic year. 
  • The dates, the working language and, where appropriate, the student profile that is addressed are specified by academic areas in the description of each edition (the “Scientifical Article Writing” course, is distributed in areas of knowledge).


REGISTRATION LINK: https://ir.uv.es/bOnWiB5


Waiting list:

In the case that there were no vacancies available in any of the editions of a transversal activity in which the student wished to enrol, students can be registered in the edition called "Waiting list" offered in each of these activities. The waiting list will be used in case of vacancies or resignations.

In the section Transversal activities catalogue you can consult the name of the edition assigned, for each activity, to the waiting list, which always has the same name: “Waiting list...” followed by the name of the corresponding transversal doctoral activity. Example: “Waiting list for Scientifical Article Writing”

VERY IMPORTANT: It is necessary to keep in mind that it is not possible to sign up for the waiting list for an activity if the doctoral student has previously enroled in an edition of this activity.

Once the enrolment period has finished, the Doctorate School will evaluate waiting list requests, prioritizing doctoral students who are in the last years of their doctorate, whom will try to locate in the requested transversal activities, as long as they are required by their doctoral programme and necessary to complete their training.

The management of the waiting lists will be done exclusively through the waiting list groups, which can not be managed through the email.


Period of registration of the academic year 2023/2024

The registration period for the transversal training activities of the 2023/2024 academic year will be open from 10:00 a.m. on December 1 until 2:00 p.m. on December 15, 2023


Registration Guide:

In the following document you can find the help guide for enrolment in transversal training activities:

>> Guide to registration in transversal training activities (pdf)

It is important to remember that the way to access to doctoral courses will always be «Access for staff with username and password of active mail of the Universitat de València». The user and password to be used are the ones provided during the first enrolment process, that is, the user with whom the students access their e-mail account of the Universitat, for example «user@alumni.uv.es»


Pass and accreditation

The completion of the transversal activities will be determined by the teaching staff of the activity, once the attendance and participation of the doctoral student in the training activity and the achievement of the learning results foreseen in the training activity have been verified.

If you need to make any inquires during the academic year, you should contact the Doctoral School (Soporte al estudiante).

Once all the activities offered in each academic year have been completed, the information will be transferred to the student's file, foreseeably in September. Until then, the information will not be updated.