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Required documents

It is mandatory to provide the required information in the following periods to join the school:

  • People who have registered in the first shift: 6th to 15th May
  • People who have registered in the second shift: 16th to 26th May

If you don’t provide all the required information, the child will not be admitted in the Summer School.


It is necessary to upload at ENTREU those documents that confirm the legal representative of the child. These documents are a photography of the father/mother ID (both are necessary in case of separation, divorce or similar situation), the ID of the child and the family book (or equivalent document). A photocopy of the SIP and health insurance is also necessary.

On paper:

Once all the information has been fulfilled in ENTREU, you will have to send in a sealed envelope (indicating La Nau dels Xiquets i de les Xiquetes and the campus where the registration has been formalised) the following information:

  • Medical records. If required, you will also have to send the record of special necessities and the necessary medical reports.
  • In case that there is not a co-habitational separation, divorce or any other similar situation; it is necessary to send the document justifying the reception of the registration properly signed by either both parents or legal tutors.
  • The documents that confirm the legal representation of the child judicially arranged, of temporary reception, of deprivation of parental authority of one or both parents, restraining orders or similar situations.
  • Updated passport size photography of the child with his/her name written in the rear part.

Very important: administration of medication in the Summer School:

It is mandatory to send the consent for the administration of medication during the activity, following the model that is uploaded in the blog.

All of this in agreement of what is established in the Resolution 13th June 2018 of the Valencian Department of Education, Research, Culture and Sport, and the Valencian Department of Universal Healthcare; which sets out the specific instructions of primary health care in educative centres for regulating the students’ healthcare if they have problems derived from chronic diseases in school hours, emergency care and the administration of medication.

Therefore, in case a child requires the administration of medication due to chronic diseases or any other type of health care during the activity, the family or legal representatives will have to send a consent for the administration of medication during the activity so that the coordination/entertainer team can administer the medication or any other type of health care, given the instructions established in the medical report of the doctor. No medication will be administered for unusual diseases.

On-site delivery: All this information must be sent via internal mail or the regular post office to the following address:

General Foundation of the Universitat de València:
4 Amadeu de Savoia Street, 5th floor 
(46010) València


The registration will not be finished until the documents are revised and the applicants receive a confirmation e-mail pointing out that all the required information has been received. If the registration period is finished and you have not received this e-mail, you will have to call to the following phone number from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.: 963 531 074


*Note: the coordination of the School of La Nau dels Xiquets i de les Xiquetes will organise the groups of children taking into account their birth date. The application for changing the group will be taken into consideration if they do not create problems in the internal organisation of the groups and do not involve situations in which children are indirectly affected by the changes.