High Pressure Semiconductor Physics XII

International Conference on High Pressure Semiconductor Physics (Jul. 31-Aug. 3 2006)


The 12th International Conference on High Pressure Semiconductor Physics (HPSP) will be held at the CosmoCaixa Museum of Science at Teodor Roviralta 47-51, 08022 Barcelona. Some information on the facilities and their location are available at: CosmoCaixa Museum of Science

Further information: Dr. Alejandro R. Goñi ICREA Research Professor Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB) Campus de la UAB E-08193 Bellaterra Spain Tel: +34-93-580 1853 ext. 327 Fax: +34-93-580 5729 E-mail: goni@physik.tu-berlin.de, hpsp12@uv.es