High Pressure Semiconductor Physics XII

International Conference on High Pressure Semiconductor Physics (Jul. 31-Aug. 3 2006)

Manuscript submission & Preparation

Manuscripts will be peer reviewed by two referees before the conference and the authors will receive the referee comments and further instructions regarding revision/acceptance during the Conference (Jul. 31-Aug. 3, 2006) in Barcelona. Accepted papers will be published as regular articles in a special issue of Physica Status Solidi (b). We aim at a publication date in Nov/Dec 2006. The articles will be limited in length to a MAXIMUM of 8 printed pages for invited speakers and 5 pages for contributed papers. Instructions for manuscript preparation as well as the corresponding Word or Latex templates can be found at the website of Physica Status Solidi Manuscripts must be submitted in electronic form ONLY (pdf files preferred, Word files are acceptable) before the deadline date of June 23, 2006. Please send the manuscript (including figures) as one email attachment to nec@phys.au.dk (Niels Christensen) and/or amunoz@ull.es (Alfonso Muñoz) with your manuscript number in the subject line. The manuscript number can be found in the file PaperlistHPSP12.pdf.

Further information: Dr. Alejandro R. Goñi ICREA Research Professor Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB) Campus de la UAB E-08193 Bellaterra Spain Tel: +34-93-580 1853 ext. 327 Fax: +34-93-580 5729 E-mail: goni@physik.tu-berlin.de, hpsp12@uv.es