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"Laboratorio di intercultura" Group

"Laboratorio di intercultura" Group (Università del Salento).

Additional protocol n.1 to establish the conditions for the collaboration of the initiative for the creation of the Ibero-American observatory of culture. Organ

Additional protocol n.1 to establish the conditions for the collaboration of the initiative for the creation of the Ibero-American observatory of culture. Organ

Advice and consultancy for companies in the education sector interested in teaching and the development of cultural and educational products

Advice and consultancy for companies in the education sector interested in teaching and the development of cultural and educational products.

Advice and consultancy for companies in the publishing industry interested in the production and preservation of cultural heritage in dialogue with the Anglo-Saxon tradition

Advice and consultancy for companies in the publishing industry interested in the production and preservation of cultural heritage in dialogue with the Anglo-Saxon tradition.

Advice and consultancy for companies related to the performing arts, the film, television and interactive video game industry

Advice and consultancy for companies related to the performing arts, the film, television and interactive video game industry.

Advice and consultancy in the planning of forums in cultural and educational centres

Advice and consultancy in the planning of forums in cultural and educational centres.

Advice and consultancy in the production of cultural heritage in dialogue with the Anglo-Saxon tradition

Advice and consultancy for cultural agents interested in the production of cultural heritage in dialogue with the Anglo-Saxon tradition.

Advice on educational material for intercultural and solidarity education.

Advice on educational material for intercultural and solidarity education.

Analysing the transition between Higher Education and the labour market in Latin America

PROFLEX analyses the transition between Higher Education and the labour market in Latin America.

Analysing the transition between Higher Education and the labour market

The Flexible Professional in the Knowledge Society (REFLEX) analyses the transition between Higher Education and the labour market.

Analysis of the consequences of the reforms introduced in EU countries' financing schemes and instruments

Analysis of the consequences of the reforms introduced in EU countries' financing schemes and instruments.

Analysis, diagnosis and viability of the implementation of a geographic information system for the promotion, dissemination and approach of the eastern network

Analysis, diagnosis and viability of the implementation of a geographic information system for the promotion, dissemination and approach of the eastern network.

Arts education and museum management

Museum educator training. ADEIT-Universitat Company.

Arts education, citizenship education, creativity and ICTs

Training of educators in arts education and digital environments.


Carrying out counselling activities in educational centres.

Courses on education for coexistence, aimed at teachers in pre-school, primary and secondary schools
Design of local, county and provincial museums. Exhibition curatorship

Design of local, regional and provincial museums. Exhibition curatorship.

Develop a system of indicators as a tool for institutional transparency

Develop a system of indicators as a tool for institutional transparency.

Development of MOOC (Massive open online course) in Catalan

Development of MOOC (Massive open online course) in Catalan.

Development of a tutorial on intercultural competences

Development of a tutorial on intercultural competences.

Development of an information system for the monitoring and evaluation of the cultural action of the Cervantes Institute.

Development of an information system for the monitoring and evaluation of the cultural action of the Cervantes Institute.

Development of research and consultancy projects

Development of research and consultancy projects in Higher Education.

Didactic talks opera functions

The group has coordinated the talks prior to the opera performances with students from the Faculty of Teacher Training of the UV.

Informal education counselling

Counselling on informal education in activities generated by AVALEM, associations, educational centres and museums.

Information system for the evaluation of the ECD

Design and implementation of instruments for the measurement, analysis and evaluation of culture and development policy.

Integrated foreign language and cross-curricular (development education) teaching courses

Integrated foreign language and cross-curricular (development education) teaching courses

International seminar on cultural indicators

Identification of indicators for the evaluation of culture and development actions implemented in the Culture and Development Strategy.

Local Cultural Barometer, BACULO

Diagnosis and review of the system of indicators for the evaluation of local cultural policies.

Participation Seasonal Universities-Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society

All the members of the group have been lecturers and have collaborated in the organisation of the Seasonal Universities of Buñol and Liria.

Postgraduate degree in specialised teacher training for early childhood, primary, secondary and university teachers

Postgraduate degree in specialised teacher training for pre-school, primary, secondary and university teachers.

Production of secondary and baccalaureate books in Catalan

Production of secondary and baccalaureate books in Catalan.

Seminar on Cultural Diversity

Training actions in the form of a seminar.

Specialisation course in Quantitative Techniques, Economics of Culture and Development

Training in quantitative methods for the analysis of cultural activities.

Teacher training, design education, museum expectations

We need to start preparing teachers at all levels of education in the field of design.

Technical Commission of the Valencian Institute of Culture's record aid

The group's PI has been a member of the Technical Commission that has been judging grants for recording projects for the last 6 years.

Training in Contemporary Art, Culture and Society

Specific knowledge about Contemporary Art, Culture and Society.

Training programmes in family intervention aimed at professionals in specialised family and child care services

Training programmes in family intervention aimed at professionals in specialised family and child care services.

Unisocietat-Nau Gran-Unimajors

The group actively participates in the teaching of music and education courses in Unisocietat and Nau Gran programmes.

Valuation of contemporary works of art

Valuation of contemporary works of art.

WorkShop organization

Two members of the group have collaborated with INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) in the direction of the Work Shop on music festivals (Nov19).