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Multidisciplinary analysis of the impact of digital disconnection within the framework of labour relations. The technological transformations that the current labour market is undergoing are causing significant changes in the sphere of workers and in business management. Without a doubt, this is a challenge for the agents involved in the workplace (workers, employers, Governments, trade unions and business associations) to strengthen the protective spirit of labour regulations and guarantee basic labour rights such as rest, health and safety at work, privacy, work-life balance, secrecy of communications and data protection. In this sense, the research group analyses the worker’s right to digital disconnection, as well as its possible impact on people management and business competitiveness. All this always pointing out that it is a labour right whose effectiveness ultimately comes both from a mechanism to enhance the freedom and self-determination of the worker’s plan, as well as a guarantee of effective, free and equal business competition within the framework of a social market economy. In this context, the research group clarifies a basic and fundamental labour right today, but with many edges that need to be polished. To this end, in line with its multidisciplinary nature, it deals with the legal assets protected in labour law: to a greater or lesser extent and directly or indirectly, health (art. 15 EC); freedom (art. 1.1 EC) - including freedom of enterprise and productivity (art. 38 EC) -; dignity and free development of personality (art. 10 EC); equality (arts. 1.1; and 9.2 EC); confidentiality and privacy (art. 18.1, 3 and 4 EC); honour (art. 18.1 and 4 EC); and family (39.1 EC). Succinctly, the group intends to deal with the exercise of the right, its legal-practical implications in labour relations (with special emphasis on telework), its current state in the world (with international studies of the law in other countries), its relationship with the prevention of occupational risks (computer fatigue and hyperconnectivity), as well as with gender perspective, diversity, confidentiality and privacy, work-life balance, video-surveillance and corporate control (the need for all kinds of digital software means that the control of workers is growing considerably) and the technological side of it, among other aspects: the BYOD ("bring your own device") study, internal protocols on the use of digital devices and work time management software available to private and public companies.

Goals CT
  • Applied research, dissemination, training and awareness on digitalisation in the legal-labour field, study from the perspective of occupational risk prevention, gender perspective, privacy, data protection, organisation of working time, balance of work life, family and/or personal life and from the perspective of business control and supervision, among other objectives.
  • Legal-regulatory analysis of the impact of digital disconnection on the worker’s personal sphere. 
Research lines
  • Working hours recording

    Requirement to keep working time records, socio-labour implications, productivity, accidents, working time, prevention of occupational risks, flexibility, teleworking, etc.

  • Digital disconnection

    Protection of the worker’s health and personal sphere outside the workplace.

  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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Non-UV research staff


  • Ignasi Beltran De Heredia Ruiz­ - Open University of Catalunya (Barcelona). 

Working team

  • Francisco Alemán Páez - University of Córdoba.
  • Eduardo Cavanna Gómez - Illustrious Bar Association of Madrid.
  • Oriol Cremades Chueca - Eserp Business & Law School (Barcelona).
  • Facundo Martin Chiuffo - University of Buenos Aires.
  • Juan Carlos Fernandez Rodriguez - Nebrija University (Madrid).
  • Ana Isabel Lambelho Costa - Politécnico de Leiría (Portugal).
  • Estela Martin Estebaranz - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Madrid).
  • Diego Megino Fernández - University of Burgos.
  • Arturo Montesdeoca Suárez - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
  • Cristina María Moreno Bayo - Comillas Pontifical University (Madrid).
  • María Jesús Otero Aparicio - Centro Nacional de Nuevas Tecnologías (Madrid).
  • Jouberto de Quadros Pessoa Cavalcante - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - (Brazil).
  • María Gema Quintero - University Carlos III of Madrid.
  • Laura Davara Fernández de Marcos - UNIR-La Rioja
  • Elena Davara Fernández de Marcos - UNIR-La Rioja
  • Manuel Fernandez Jaria - UOC-Barcelona
  • Sonia Quiñonez Lopez - Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Associated structure
Contact group details
Multidisciplinary Analysis of the Right to Digital Disconnection at Work (DESC·LABOR)

Tarongers Campus

Edificio Departamental Occidental. Av. dels Tarongers, s/n

46022 València (Valencia)

+34 963 828 972


Contact people
  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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