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Ageing and Social Stress Research Group: Pharmacological and Behavioural Mechanisms of Protection - ENVEST


The main research topics in our group focus on evaluating different intervention strategies that can act as protective against changes induced by both social stress and ageing as well as the role of new technologies in mental and cognitive health. In animal models, our studies are based on the environmental enrichment paradigm of providing high social, physical and mental activity. In human subjects, our interest is focused on the evaluation of lifestyle factors that can help to reduce the effects of chronic stress and promote cognitive reserve, thereby counteracting or delaying the cognitive decline associated with ageing and Alzheimer's disease. We are also interested in assessing the impact of new technologies on mental health and on the diagnosis and treatment of cognitive decline associated with ageing and chronic and neurodegenerative diseases. The ultimate goal is to contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms that favour more active ageing and the prevention of cognitive decline.

Goals CT
  1. To evaluate the effects of environmental enrichment at physiological and cognitive levels.
  2. To assess environmental enrichment as a protective strategy against ageing and social stress.
  3. To assess the impact of new technologies in the diagnosis and treatment of cognitive impairment associated with ageing and chronic and neurodegenerative diseases.
  4. To analyse the effect of the application of new technologies in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health in people with chronic diseases or in situations of chronic stress. 
Research lines
  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
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  • Alumn.-Servei de Formacio Permanent
  • Secretari/a de Departament
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Associated structure
Contact people
  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
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