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Medieval Spanish Literature Research Group - MEDLIT


Research on Medieval Spanish Literature: 

  1. History, criticism, evolution, social, cultural and political context, literary production, textual transmission and reception.

This line of work brings together the research of the members of the group, which covers a large part of the genres and literary modalities of the history and criticism of Medieval Literature. In particular, the wide range of fictional literature (both short narrative and long fiction), wisdom literature, historiographical literature and travel books, medieval and Renaissance theatre, etc. The activities that project this line of research can be found on the several consolidated electronic pages of the Parnaseo portal [] -information hub on the group’s research activity-, as well as in its databases [] and electronic journals (Memorabilia. Boletín de Literatura Sapiencial Medieval (ISSN 1579-7341) []; Celestinesca (ISSN 0147-3085) []; Tirant. Butlletí informatiu i bibliogràfic de literatura de cavalleries (ISSN 1579-7422) [] and LEMIR. Literatura Española Medieval y del Renacimiento (ISSN 1579-735X) []). 

  1. Text editing: critical and digital. 

Critical edition and transcription of medieval texts and works from the Middle Ages printed in the 16th and 17th centuries. The editions are accompanied by complete introductory studies and exhaustive bodies of notes (some of them have been published in the Editorial Parnaseo Collection of the Universitat de València). The research team has a special interest in digital publishing and, in this respect, not only pioneered electronic publishing in html [], but also created a library of electronic books [] and is currently working on editions with TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) mark up. 

  1. Manuscripts and printed matter: physical invoice, text and image. 

The activities carried out in this line of research take the form of two databases []: Valencian printing production in the 16th century and Valencian typobibliography of the 15th and 16th centuries, as well as the celestinian Portal (in preparation) with sections dedicated to the testimonies of La Celestina (and the Celestinesque tradition), the biblioiconographical analysis of the engravings of the old editions of the work and the reception of the Comedia and the Tragicomedia. 

  1. Digital Humanities applied to the study and research of Medieval Literature. 

This research line has as its main objective the electronic portal Parnaseo [], consolidated project of innovation in Digital Humanities and new technologies: a hub of academic information for research, study and teaching of Spanish Literature, with special attention to Medieval Literature. Parnaseo has four electronic journals, fourteen databases, academic portals, an e-book library, a section of digital editions, an editorial collection and a platform for collaboration between different research groups and projects from Spanish and foreign universities. 

  1. Contemporary cultural recreations of the medieval world. 

Storyca portal development. Contemporary Middle Ages [], focusing exclusively on the reception and presence of the medieval imaginary in the contemporary arts. The different sections of Storyca aim to offer researchers and students a variety of tools and resources for the study and knowledge of the Middle Ages in today's culture: monographs that deal with the study of the survival and recreation of the Middle Ages in cinema, literature (theatre, poetry and novels), comics, videogames, music, social media, etc.; a database of contemporary novels with a medieval theme (narrative production from the 1990s to the present day), and bibliographic catalogues. 

  1. Link between Medieval Spanish Literature and Romance literatures. 

The research team coordinates the R&D&I platform [], created to promote the relationship between the research group with other groups and projects developed in Spanish and foreign universities, to broaden the lines of research and interest of our project with other lines of research both in the field of medieval Castilian literature and in the framework of Romance literatures and, in this way, to broaden the results of the research, its impact and internationalisation. A new way of disseminating knowledge and results as a platform for access and collaboration with other relevant projects in the Romanesque field.

Goals CT
  • To advance in the knowledge of Medieval Spanish Literature, through the Parnaseo portal, an electronic server and information hub with an innovative and experimental character in the field of new technologies applied to the research, knowledge, study, teaching and reception of Medieval Spanish Literature in order to contribute to the advancement and social reception of our discipline and, in general, of the Spanish cultural heritage. This objective is projected in the continuation, technical renovation and expansion of the contents of the different sections, journals and databases - both consolidated and newly created - that are developed in our electronic portal.
  • Updating and innovation of software, programmes, digital languages and technical resources to advance the field of Digital Humanities and maintain not only the quality of the research, but also the innovation of our project and the impact of the results of the research group. In this sense, we are working with meta-search engines for databases and with the proposals of the semantic web.
  • Digital text publishing: to continue to expand our library of academic e-books (editions and studies), compatible with all systems and accessible from any mobile device, and to network digital editions in TEI language.
  • Consolidate the Storyca Portal and turn it into a reference for the study and dissemination of the different contemporary artistic expressions articulated around the medieval past: From monographs that bring together works by experts and catalogues (all complemented by the Storyca Database) that give an account of the imaginary about the Middle Ages poured not only into literature (novels, poetry and theatre), but also into audiovisual productions (cinema, music, video games), genres derived from new technologies (social networks, blogs) and in other forms of art and entertainment (comics, board games, role-playing games) which, despite not having been critically approached, despite their wide dissemination, are those that make up the popular representation of the Middle Ages in the 21st century.
  • In the field of university teaching, both nationally and internationally, continue with the work of the academic portal Aul@Medieval [], focused on teaching innovation in Medieval Spanish Literature within the framework of Digital Humanities and ICTs. 
  • Coordination, organisation of scientific meetings and publication in the Parnaseo editorial collection (Universitat de València) [] of monographic volumes that report the research team and also include the contributions of specialists directly related to our project or belonging to research groups with which our group has established collaboration. In this way, the lines of work, the impact of the results and the strengthening of relations with other projects and research teams can be expanded, an objective that is also being developed and will be improved with the R&D&I Platform [], a platform for collaboration between our research group and other project and research groups. One of our objectives is to increase relations with other research groups in order to broaden the lines of research and interest of our project and its results, impact and internationalisation. 
Research lines
  • Digital Humanities

    Application of Digital Humanities to the study and research of Medieval Spanish Literature.

  • Origins of Hispanic printing

    Printed literary production and dissemination. Process of transformation from manuscript text to printed copy. The book as a commercial and cultural product: technique, composition, printing workshops, agents involved in the process of production, dissemination, financing and sale. Typobibliography.

  • Chivalric literature

    Origin, evolution and Hispanic diffusion of the Matter of Brittany. Fictional texts and historical contexts in Hispanic chivalric narrative. Relations between different Romanesque chivalric literatures: Castilian, Catalan, French, Italian, etc.

  • Text editing

    Critical edition of medieval texts accompanied by complete studies and devices of notes, with special attention to the digital edition in both TEI and ebook format.

  • Medieval Spanish Literature

    History, criticism, evolution, social, cultural and political context, literary production, textual transmission and reception of Medieval Spanish Literature and its relationship with Romance literatures.

  • Medieval Sapiential Literature
    1. Origin, evolution, diffusion, sources, configuration and textual tradition, corpus, reception and categorisation of Medieval Sapiential Literature.
    2. Exemplary literature, literature of sentences, literature of questions and answers.
    3. Compendia of medieval punishments.
    4. Mirrors of princes.
  • Contemporary cultural recreations of the medieval world

    Recreation and survival of the Middle Ages, its history, literature, images, myths and legends in contemporary cultural production: cinema, literature, comics, videogames, music, social media, board games, etc.

  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
  • Director/a de Departament
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Scientific production by UV researcher
    PDI-Catedratic/a d'UniversitatDirector/a de Departament
Contact group details
Research Group on Medieval Spanish Literature (MEDLIT)

Blasco Ibáñez Campus

Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 32

46010 València (Valencia)

+34 963 864 944


Contact people
  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
  • Director/a de Departament
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