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Research Group on Local and Regional Sustainability - LOCSUS


The uncertainty arising from climate change and the pressure on natural resources leads to the proposal of procedures that help to establish new models for the management of civil society and the use of natural resources. Thus, sustainable development implies maximising the democratic participation of citizens and, therefore, a strong social awareness. The territory must open up areas of friendliness with its inhabitants.

The LOCSUS Group focuses on the analysis of the elements and variables involved in the sustainable development of territories and societies, the development of strategic planning methodologies, the study of the processes involved in the local approach to development, the monitoring and evaluation of public policies and the coordination and participation in local development processes.

LOCSUS is part of the Inter-University Institute for Local Development (IIDL) of the Universitat de València and the Universitat Jaume I, and is founded by Dr. Joan Noguera Tur and directed by Andrian Ferrandis Martinez.

Lines of research

  • Sustainable development and urban planning: design of recommendations to achieve greater social cohesion, a higher quality urban environment and lasting economic development, all within the concept of local sustainability.
  • Sustainable tourism: strategic tool for local economic development following the principles of sustainability.
  • Social development in a historical perspective: saving the discourses of the past for a good democratic ascription in the present.

Fields of application: Management and promotion of local development; policies and strategies of interest to public administrations, associations and federations.

Technical advice and consultancy on:

  • Analysis of the impacts derived from the implementation and start-up of new ideas and initiatives in local environments.
  • Feasibility projects for the implementation of new industrial policies, preparation of regional development plans. Analysis and evaluation of resources, whether natural or heritage, and their incorporation into a territorial development strategy.
  • Urban and territorial planning: analysis, diagnosis and solution of urban and territorial issues. Analysis of the competitive positioning of municipalities or companies in a given territorial system to serve as a basis for the design of future strategies.

LOCSUS carries out various analyses, the ultimate aim of which is the design of a more sustainable territorial development model that encompasses various objectives to be analysed (tourism, trade, urban and industrial planning, competitiveness, social coexistence, or the territory in general). The group has competitive projects and contracts with various public and private entities, through which it develops research and knowledge transfer aimed at both the revaluation of natural, cultural, educational or industrial resources of the territory, as well as the evaluation of the impacts derived from the implementation of new initiatives at a local level.

Goals CT
  • Sustainable local development and urban planning: design of recommendations to achieve greater social cohesion and an urban environment.
  • Decentralisation and good governance: strategic planning and evaluation of local and regional development policies.
  • Social development from a historical perspective.
  • Sustainable tourism: strategic tool for local economic development following the principles of sustainability.
Research lines
  • Alumn.-Servei de Formacio Permanent
  • Coordinador/a Curs
  • Cap de Seccio-Servei
  • Cap d'Iniciatives d' Alzira i Cullera
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  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
  • Director/a Actividades Culturals
  • Dir Act Cult- Director Delegat Al Campus de Gandia
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Non-UV research staff


  • Mar Riera Spiegelhalder - Freelancer
Scientific production by UV researcher
    Alumn.-Servei de Formacio PermanentCoordinador/a CursCap de Seccio-ServeiCap d'Iniciatives d' Alzira i Cullera
    PDI-Catedratic/a d'UniversitatDirector/a Actividades CulturalsDir Act Cult- Director Delegat Al Campus de Gandia
Associated structure
Inter-university Institute for Local Development
Contact group details
Research Group on Local and Regional Sustainability (LOCSUS)

Blasco Ibáñez Campus

Carrer del Serpis, 29

46022 València (Valencia)

961 625 399

961 625 414


Contact people
  • Alumn.-Servei de Formacio Permanent
  • Coordinador/a Curs
  • Cap de Seccio-Servei
  • Cap d'Iniciatives d' Alzira i Cullera
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