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Anthropometry and clothing design

Application of statistical techniques to shape modelling with special attention to apparel design and human organ modelling. We use mean and confidence sets to describe the 3D shapes; also, clustering techniques are used to provide alternative sizing systems and more reliable anatomical models.

Aprenentatge automàtic

Desenvolupament de tècniques d'aprenentatge estadístic: xarxes neuronals, models gràfics, màquines kernel, tècniques de classificació, regressió, agrupament i visualització (manifold learning), aprenentatge actiu, semisupervisat, relacional, Bayesià, estructurat, i causal.

Economics of education

Econometric evaluation of the socio-economic effects of educational investments from both macro- and microeconomic perspectives.

Quantitative methods for measuring culture

Design of instruments for the measurement, analysis and evaluation of Culture and Development policies and information systems for the monitoring and evaluation of the cultural action of public and private organisations and institutions.