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Acoustic black holes and Hawking radiation

Study of the possible experimental detection of the Hawking effect in analogue gravity models.

Astroparticle physics

The physics of neutrinos, antimatter and dark matter in astrophysics is explored. More specifically, solar neutrinos and the solar composition problem, the origin of positrons in our galaxy, and possible axion signals as dark matter candidates. 

Baryon Assymetry Origins

Extensions of the standard model are studied to explain the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry observed in the Universe, as well as its possible implications for experiments.

Curved space-time quantum field theory

Study of quantum phenomena where gravitation plays a fundamental role, such as in the vicinity of black holes or the very early universe.

Flavour physics: leptons and hadrons

The associated phenomena of flavour-changing processes and CP symmetry violation have profound implications for our knowledge of the Universe and, in particular, are related to the observed large asymmetry between matter and antimatter.

Lattice Field Theory

The formulation of quantum field theories in a space-time lattice allows them to be solved from first principles by means of numerical simulations. Our aim is to apply this method to hadronic physics in QCD and to theories with dynamical symmetry breaking. 

Models with extra dimensions

The aim is to study the properties of extensions of the Standard Model in more than 3+1 dimensions and the possibility of constructing phenomenologically viable models.

Modified gravity

Modified gravity in the Palatini formalism and applications in cosmology and black holes.

Neutrino mass origin and the flavour problem

In this line we investigate particle physics models beyond the Standard Model that generate the mass and mixing structure of neutrinos, in particular those inspired by large- or small-scale see-saw models, with or without unification, radiative or supersymmetric models.

Neutrino phenomenology

The aim is to design and optimise strategies to determine the neutrino mass matrix and to test models beyond the Standard Model with massive neutrinos.

Neutrinos in cosmology

Measurements of cosmic microwave radiation, the large-scale structure of the Universe and the abundance of light elements allow valuable information to be extracted about neutrinos and other relics of the Big Bang, which may be related to dark matter and dark energy. 

New physics in the era of the Large Hadron Collider

Phenomenology of extended models, in particular supersymmetric ones, in particle accelerators and in particular the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Model-driven data prediction and analysis, looking for specific signals of new particles.

Phenomenology of extensions to the Standard Model

We construct and analyse the phenomenological consequences of theoretical models that solve some open problems of the Standard Model, for example the nature of dark matter. In particular supersymmetric models. 

Quantum walks

Theoretical studies on quantum walks and proposed implementations in optical devices.

Scalar sector of electroweak theory: physics of spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs boson

The LHC is specially designed to investigate the spontaneous breaking of the electroweak symmetry responsible for the generation of the masses of all particles. The theoretical consistency of the Standard Model requires the existence of a new scalar force field.


Study of supergravity, supersymmetry, space-time deformations and their consequences at low energies.

Top quark physics and new perturbative methods

The top quark is the heaviest known elementary particle and plays a fundamental role in many extensions of the Standard Model. In a hadronic environment like the LHC it is essential to control the effects of the strong interaction (QCD), hence complex calculations in perturbation theory.