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Design of new functional materials for applications in catalysis and energy

Preparation of macroscopic and microscopic nanoporous materials for the development of energy sources, catalyst or nano-container sources. This line of research aims to propose alternative applications of well-established materials in completely different  fields, innovating in the application but benefiting from the existing know-how. We focus on post-synthesis surface modifications, filling, and compound (antibiotic) release.

Study of cartilage regeneration

Tissue engineering applied to the osteoarticular system. We evaluate different biomaterials for their application to articular cartilage regeneration. We have evaluated substitutes based on chitosan discs, PCL and hyaluronic acid, as well as other elements including mixed hydrogels and microspheres both in vitro and in vivo. This line of research has been funded by the ministry without interruption since 2004 (MAT2004-04980, MAT2007-66759, MAT2013-46467-C4-4-R and MAT2016-76039-C4-2-R).

Study of corneal induction and regeneration

Study of corneal induction and regeneration.

Study of the regeneration of dental and peridental tissues

We test different materials including titanium prostheses or decellularised dental matrices for the regeneration of dental and peridental tissues. We also evaluate connective tissues such as dental pulp or periodontal ligament as sources of stem cells with different potentials. This line is funded by different projects financed in competitive public calls including IMPORTOX or NerBIO.