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Cognitive endophenotypes and biomarkers in schizophrenic / bipolar patients and their first-degree relatives

Molecular and genetic basis of neurocognitive alterations in patients with SMI, in order to develop biomarkers, diagnostic assessment tools and therapeutic interventions helping to improve the functional prognosis, the autonomy and the life quality of these people.

Direct and inverse multimorbidity in patients with complex diseases like CNS disorders, cancer or metabolic diseases.

Comprehend the unexpected associations between apparently different diseases, like cancer and certain diseases of the central nervous system.

Fragility prevention

Prevention of fragility signs in populations at risk by assessing human functions (functional and neurocognitive assessment) and by incorporating nutritional medicine studies on Omega 3.

Gender differences in the impact of environmental factors facilitating psychiatric co-morbidity in drug addicts

Study of sex differences in the different processes of drug addiction and in the presence and manifestation of dual pathology.

Global burden of disease

Networking on the burden of disease.

Neurobiology of cocaine addiction

Study of the biological and environmental factors involved in cocaine addiction. Study of different neurotransmitter systems on the reinforcing effects of cocaine. Influence of environmental factors, exposure to stress (physical, social or psychological) or personality.

Preclinical studies in dual pathology

Search for vulnerability and prevention factors in the development of psychiatric disorders and addiction to substances of abuse.

Psychobiology of MDMA dependence

This line studies the neurobiological and environmental factors involved in the development of MDMA dependence and, especially, in relapse after a period of abstinence.