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Advanced information management and exploitation systems

Systems for the collection, processing and statistical treatment of data. Advanced database management applications. DWH design and implementation. Re-engineering of systems and client/server architectures. Data modelling. Document management. Multimodal systems. Hospital management.

Bibliometrics and indicators of scientific activity

The main goal of this line is the development of bibliometric indicators useful in the evaluation of scientific activity that allow the easurement of research results and the performance of science, thus enabling public research policies to be better adapted.

Big Data

Large database analysis in which there are three characteristics that make them special: growth velocity, variety in the data classes and volume.

Intelligent data analysis

Application of automatic learning techniques for problems with prediction, classification and recognition of patterns or trends.

Recommender system

Development of product recommendation engines based on the characteristics of the customer and management of personalised promotions.

Visual Information Retrieval in image databases

The purpose of a content based image retrieval system is to retrieve all the images relevant to a user query. Our main goals are the study of new low level descriptors and relevant feedback procedures that are able to deal with the semantic gap, currently using also fusion with textual information.