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Optoelectronic Materials and Devices

Development of semiconductor nanostructures and polyfunctional polymers as the basis for photonic/plasmonic structures and devices. Structural-electronic-electrical-optical characterisation of nanomaterials and devices. Applications in chemical sensors and biosensors, telecommunications...

Physical properties

Characterisation of physical properties, with special emphasis on optical properties: absorption, photoluminescence, Raman spectroscopy.

Structural, optical and electronic properties by first-principles methods

Obtaining physical properties by means of first-principles models. Optical, magnetic, electronic properties.

Synthesis of oxidic and non-oxidic materials and nanomaterials

Preparation and characterisation of materials and nanomaterials of diverse and controlled chemical nature (composition, size and shape), and with electrical, magnetic, optical, thermal, mechanical and chemical properties, among others, of applied interest.