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Cataloguing and production of data and construction of demographic and social vulnerability indicators with historical and contemporary data

Compilation of demographic data sources prior to the digitisation of current censuses and registers, production of socio-demographic data on the Valencian population and elaboration of demographic, resilience, social vulnerability and health indicators.

Citizen participation policies and social inequality

Analysis of the public policies promoted by the local level in terms of citizen participation, their impact on the co-production of public policies, the methodologies deployed for this purpose and the effective consideration of "citizenship" (mechanisms of social inequality and education in participation).

Community Self-Development

Social involvement processes should result in the self-development of these communities that have been subjects of training, monitoring and planning. The self-development methodology has proven to be a positive strategy to cement social change in the municipalities with high rates of poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion.Involvement, self-development, strategic planning, social change.

Community Social Services of local authorities

Community Social Services are the gateway to the social welfare system and its different benefits and programmes that address the needs of the most vulnerable groups. Its analysis and evaluation allows to make improvements in local social welfare structures.

Community-led local development

Social Services are part of public policies for local development because they facilitate the social inclusion of groups with subjective difficulties in integrating into the labour market. Active employment policies aimed at the population at risk of social exclusion are the target population of this line.Local development, community-based social services, inclusion of vulnerable groups, active employment policiesLocal development, community-based social services, inclusion of vulnerable groups, active employment policies

Concepts, relations and systems of social inequality

Analysis of the articulation of the different types of social inequality, including as an object of analysis the systems of classification of social inequalities. Study of the relationship between the socio-historical structure and the system of social inequalities.

Diasporas and co-development

Research on the participation of migrants and their organisations in the development of societies of origin. Co-development policies, programmes and projects.

Gender inequality and social diversity

Study and analysis of the structure of gender relations in the different spheres of contemporary society. Design of intervention programmes in situations of inequality in access to resources for social action.

Human mobility and social prejudice

Study of the social and psychological aspects related with migrations and vulnerable groups, measurement of prejudice against different collectives, sex and minorities ¿racism, misogyny, homophobia-, developing of acceptance and rejection indicators, study of the autonomy and life quality of Elderly.

International cooperation for development. Participation and democracy. Social Security

Cooperation for the improvement of human development rates and social cohesion. Methodologies for carrying out participative citizen diagnoses, their systematisation and the elaboration of public policies from the citizen's proposal. Analysis of Social Security Systems.Cooperación para la mejora de los índices de desarrollo humano y la cohesión social. Metodologías para la realización de diagnósticos ciudadanos participativos, su sistematización y la elaboración de políticas públicas desde la propuesta ciudadana. Análisis de los Sistemas de Seguridad Social.

Migration and development

Analysis of the links between migration and development. Impacts of migration on the development of countries of origin. Links between migration policies and development cooperation policies.

Optimització de procediments, tècniques i recursos adreçats a promoure la qualificació professional integració sociolaboral de col.lectius vulnerables

Formació en el lloc de treball, aprenentatge de l'experiència, aprenentatge informal, diagnòstic d'ocupabilitat i elaboració d'itineraris individualitzats d'inserció, alternança entre formació i ocupació, acompanyament socioeducatiu.

Polítiques familiars en l'àmbit local

Les polítiques de protecció a la família són una assignatura pendent per al sistema de benestar social espanyol. A més, tenim constància que són en les entitats socials on es poden generar resultats d'investigació aplicats a la solució de les problemàtiques de família i de conciliació entre vida laboral i familiar.

Processes of individualisation and social structure

Analysis of the relationship of contemporary processes of individualisation with social structure, especially with gender and class positions. Study of the relationship between agency and social structure.

Research assessment

Research assessment and its dissemination means: scientific journals, etc.

Social structure and inequality

Analysis of the dimensions and variables that can explain the processes of change in the unequal distribution of resources for social action. Social camps, capitals and unequal relations.

Standard language and linguistic attitudes

Study of the spread of the standard language in the Valencian Country (País Valencià) and related linguistic attitudes.

Study of the variables associated with the processes of inclusion in the labour market.

Analysis of the social structure, the processes of commodification, the shaping of identities in liquid modernity, processes of precariousness.

Subjects linked to the disciplines of Development Cooperation, Comparative and International Education.

Study of the supranational policies of international organisations from an epistemological and methodological perspective. At the same time, issues related to Development Cooperation and its connection with Education are addressed, both from the point of view of policies and from the vision of Education for Development (EDD).

Territorial diagnoses: inclusion and social cohesion plans, equality plans, work-family life conciliation plans

Municipal public policies require a territorial analysis to be able to implement plans, programmes and projects adapted to the emerging priority needs for citizens. The participatory action research methodology has been identified as strategic to provide a solution to this type of policy and relevant results have been produced in this regard.

The narrative perspective in community-based development

The constructivist paradigm is gaining ground among qualitative researchers and new methodologies such as the narrative are opening up for research in local communities. Especially on problems that are not usually visible and that, through the recognition of the strategy of the citizens’ involvement in the solution of them, it is possible to plan processes of social change that recognize the need to generate public policies of community development.

Transnationalism, material remittances and social remittances

Study of transnational migration flows and fields. The impact of economic transfers and of migrants' ideas and knowledge on the development of societies of origin.

Urban structure, mobility and new data sources for Geography

Study of the relation between urban structure and the mobility of people in urban areas. Use of new data sources mainly from information and communication technologies for studying different spatial dynamics. Evaluation and management of the territory from a social, environmental and economic perspective.