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Anatomy and 3D geometric morphometry of the thorax of patients with osteogenesis imperfecta

Study of the anatomy and geometric morphometry of the thorax in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta and its relationship with pulmonary pathology.

Assessment and recovery of sports injuries

The study of musculoskeletal injuries via functional assessment with the use of ultrasound scanning and biomechanical material for the improvement of overall function and performance and the prevention of injuries.

Study of tendinopathies and their recovery

Study of tendon pathologies in general and tendon injuries in sports in particular, and their recovery using a work methodology with physical activity.

The influence of genetics and tendon alterations and injuries

This is a pioneering work with international collaboration and the first in the world to study the influence of the genetic factor on tendinopathies in the shoulder in different populations where we will study sportsmen, haemophiliacs, disabled people in wheelchairs and the general population.