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Clustering and Marketing

Background, moderators and consequences of marketing and market orientation on the competitiveness of cluster companies.

Cognitive aspects of clustering

Perception of belonging and affiliation, influence of the manager's cognitive style, influential aspects in group decision making in the cluster, method of group decision making. Mimicry and managerial perceptions.

Development of specific models and strategies for the creation, development and implementation of new clusters, ecosystems and business groups

Second-tier and transversal clusters. Economic dynamisation of territories and their external markets.

Entrepreneurship, growth and business survival

The international entrepreneur. Strategic effectiveness in new companies. Organisational alternatives in bankruptcy environments. Business reorganisation and restructuring. Decline, crisis and turnaround. Second Chance Policies.

Modes of localisation, entry and establishment of the cluster's international activity

Deciding factors of multi-localisation, agglomerations, compatriot and activity clusters. Generation and development of international social capital. Networks and guanxi. Distance and localisation-entry strategy.

Spatial delimitation of clustering and its effect

Analysis of spatio-temporal models. To implement geographic information systems for the study of interorganisational relations: configuration, content, container and effect. Positive and negative externalities. Moderating and mediating factors. Knowledge transfer in clusters. Franchised relationships.