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Chivalric literature

Origin, evolution and Hispanic diffusion of the Matter of Brittany. Fictional texts and historical contexts in Hispanic chivalric narrative. Relations between different Romanesque chivalric literatures: Castilian, Catalan, French, Italian, etc.

Irony and Hypertextuality in Contemporary Catalan Literature

The main goal is to fill an anomalous gap in studies of contemporary Catalan literature: to study the role played by irony and hypertextuality in different literary movements and different authors.

Literary Writing: Heritage and the Present

Classical Spanish theatrical heritage: texts and research tools. Databases, digital editions, translations. History of stage practice.

Literary writing: from modernity to the age of communication

Iberian literatures and historical memory. Literary strategies and forms in the age of communication. The literature of modernity and its stages.

Medieval Sapiential Literature
  1. Origin, evolution, diffusion, sources, configuration and textual tradition, corpus, reception and categorisation of Medieval Sapiential Literature.
  2. Exemplary literature, literature of sentences, literature of questions and answers.
  3. Compendia of medieval punishments.
  4. Mirrors of princes.
Medieval Spanish Literature

History, criticism, evolution, social, cultural and political context, literary production, textual transmission and reception of Medieval Spanish Literature and its relationship with Romance literatures.

Origins of Hispanic printing

Printed literary production and dissemination. Process of transformation from manuscript text to printed copy. The book as a commercial and cultural product: technique, composition, printing workshops, agents involved in the process of production, dissemination, financing and sale. Typobibliography.

Text editing

Critical edition of medieval texts accompanied by complete studies and devices of notes, with special attention to the digital edition in both TEI and ebook format.