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Well-being and performance in virtual teams: subgroups and emotional competencies


The general objective of this line of research is to analyse the individual and collective well-being of the VTs, as well as the impact that the creation of subgroups and the development of the group's emotional management can have on both their well-being and their effectiveness. To do so, a longitudinal experimental study is developed, where four different experimental conditions are considered, as a result of the combination of the two central variables: creation or not of subgroups and training or not in emotional management.  An interactive platform is used with different applications created ad-hoc for this purpose. All the groups are made up of four people and work over five working sessions solving tasks of an individual and collective nature. The results will contribute to the design of healthy virtual teams, with members with high well-being and at the same time effective. As well as the design of specific training programmes in emotional management for virtual collaborative contexts.


virtual teams, well-being, emotional competencies, subgroups, multilevel approach

Manager UV
  • Zornoza Abad, Ana
  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
  • Coordinador/a de Programa de Doctorat
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