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Laboratory for experimental set-ups and pilot plants

Type: Laboratory

The group has the laboratory 4.2.22 of the Chemical Engineering Dept. with the following set-ups and equipment: - Experimental set-ups for biofiltration, biotrickling filter, EGSB anaerobic reactor, biosorption columns, and tubular heterogeneous photocatalysis reactor, equipped with peristaltic pumps, mass flow controllers, automatic samplers, automatic VOC feeding systems, etc. - Equipment for laboratory and industrial inoculum preparation – Fume cupboard for reagent handling - Total air hydrocarbons (FID) analyser (Nira Mercury 901) - Gas chromatograph (Agilent Technologies 7890A) to analyse organic compounds - Air temperature and humidity measuring equipment (Vaisala MI79) - Carbon dioxide analyser (Vaisala) - PID photoionisation detector (MiniRAE 2000) to analyse VOCs - Gasometer (BK-G4, Digital manometer (MP101, KIMO Intruments) - Biogas analyser (Combimass GA-m, Binder).