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Olympus FV1000
FV1000 confocal laser microscope
Brand: Olympus FV1000
Type: Equipment

Confocal microscope mounted on a motorised inverted IX81 which includes the following lenses: 10x, 20x, 40x (oil), 60x (oil), 60x (water). This equipment’s excitation lines are: 405nm, 488nm, 515nm, 559nm, 594nm y 635nm. Moreover, the equipment has an incubation system, which makes it the appropriate equipment for live-cell work.


Confocal laser scanning system mounted on a fully motorised IX81 inverted microscope. This equipment’s excitation lines are: 405nm, 488nm, 515nm, 559nm, 595nm y 635nm.

Available lenses:

  medium NA WD(mm)
UPLSAPO 10X 2 dry 0.40 3.10
UPLSAPO 20X dry 0.75 0.6
UPLFLN 40X O oil 1.30 0.2
UPLSAPO 60X O oil 1.35 0.15
UPLSAPO 60X W water 1.20 0.28

The detection system is composed of four PMTs, three dedicated to fluorescence and one to light-field image acquisition by scanning. It also has a spectral detection system that allows to adjust the range of wavelengths reaching the detector, as well as to make a series of images detected at different wavelengths (λ scan).

Additionally, the equipment includes an OKOLAB incubation system enabling the realisation of studies with live cells in a CO2 atmosphere controlled at 5% and 37 ºC.

Practical implementation
  • Studies for Colocalisation of Fluorescent Probes.
  • Three-dimensional characterisation of biological structures and materials.
  • Live cell studies.
Quality certifications

ISO 9001:2015