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400MHz NMR spectrometer for liquid samples
  • Small molecule structure elucidation: elucidation of connectivity, stereochemical configuration and conformation.
  • Structural characterisation of nanoparticles and their interactions with substrates.
  • Mobility studies and molecular dynamics.
  • Monitoring of chemical processes: kinetics.
  • Determination of association and molecular interaction processes.
  • Studies at variable temperatures.
  • Observation of a wide variety of magnetic cores: 19F, 195Pt, 133Cs, 11B, 31P, 6Li, 29Si, etc.
Imaging flow cytometer – Imagestream

An imaging flow cytometer is a device that combines flow cytometry and microscopy to capture detailed images of cells, allowing a more complete analysis of their morphology and structure.

Magnetic cell separator

The MACSxpress separator is a system designed for the manual separation of magnetic-labelled cells utilising the MACS® technology.

Refrigerated centrifuge with rotors - Gyrozen

Centrifuge with rotors for collecting cell pellets.

Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer

The D8 Venture Diffractometer is a 3-D single crystal structure determination system. The system covers all typical single crystal applications in organic and inorganic chemistry, solid-state and organo-metallic chemistry, as well as mineralogy and pharmacy. It can be configured for electron density investigations at room or low temperatures, phase transition investigations or high-pressure studies. It also allows all these studies to be carried out with two radiations; Mo or Cu. Obtained through two microsources and their associated optics. The PHOTON 100 detector with CMOS technology, cold light illumination and HD video-microscope.

W8 Physical Cytometer

The W8 Physical Cytometer is based on a ground-breaking flow-technology that measures the physical properties of spherical biological samples through a combination gravimetric and dimensional analysis. This novel approach provides an analysis of 3D cells, particularly spheroids and organoids, to measure mass density, weight, radius and their derivatives. This cytometer allows the operator to perform physical-based sorting of a target population under sterile conditions.