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Exam dates and registration periods

JUNE 2022 EXAM (click to display information)

English B1: Wednesday, 22 June 2022
English B2: Monday, 20 June 2022
English C1: Thursday, 23 June 2022

Registration period:

from 21 March to 28 May 2022 at 3:00 p.m.


Registration fees

  • General public: €120
  • UV Students/: €60
  • Students of the Language Centre 2021/22 courses: €60
  • PAS/PDI/PIF UV* 120 €

* have access to the grants offered by the Language Service for courses and accreditation tests (100% discount).

Further information


Registration form and general terms and conditions

To register can download the registration form with the general conditions and send it by email to together with proof of payment to the following account:

SANTANDER BANK IBAN: ES14 0049 5457 22 2716006043.

If you are entitled to the discount, please tick the corresponding box on the registration form.

  • University of Valencia students: attach a copy of your registration for the current academic year.
  • Students of the Language Centre UV: no need to attach documentation.
  • PAS/PDI/PIF UV: tick the corresponding box on the registration form so that we can inform the Languages Service.

You will receive an email to confirm that the registration has been completed correctly.

You can also hand in the registration form to the Secretary's Office of the Language Centre and pay by credit card.

SEPTEMBER 2022 EXAM (click to display information)

English B1: Monday, 19 September 2022
English B2: Saturday, 24 September 2022
English C1: Tuesday, 20 September 2022
Spanish B2: Thursday, 15 September 2022 

Registration period:

1 July to 12 September 2022 at 2:00 p.m.


Registration fees

  • General public: €120
  • UV Students/: €60
  • Students of the Language Centre 2021/22 courses: €60
  • PAS/PDI/PIF UV* 120 €

* have access to the grants offered by the Language Service for courses and accreditation tests (100% discount).

Further information



Registration form and general terms and conditions

To register can download the registration form with the general conditions and send it by email to together with proof of payment to the following account:

SANTANDER BANK IBAN: ES14 0049 5457 22 2716006043.

If you are entitled to the discount, please tick the corresponding box on the registration form.

  • University of Valencia students: attach a copy of your registration for the current academic year.
  • Students of the Language Centre UV: no need to attach documentation.
  • PAS/PDI/PIF UV: tick the corresponding box on the registration form so that we can inform the Languages Service.

You will receive an email to confirm that the registration has been completed correctly.

You can also hand in the registration form to the Secretary's Office of the Language Centre and pay by credit card.