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Carles X. Simó Noguera is full Professor of Sociology at the Universitat de València. He has a PhD in Demography from the University of Montreal (Quebec, Canada) and has worked as a researcher at the University of Durham (United Kingdom), the Center for Demographic Studies at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the University of Bielefeld (Germany). He has been a visiting researcher and professor at the University of Córdoba (Argentina), the University of Bamberg (Germany), the University of Iceland, the Social Research Institute of Norway, the University of Massachusetts-Lowell and the National University of San Juan (Argentina). Since 2003, he has worked at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology of the University of Valencia, where he joined the 'Ramón y Cajal program' to recruit doctors. His research has focused on population information systems, divorce, family demographics, life cycles and transitions, immigration and aging. His publications emphasize the incorporation of the gender perspective. Much of his research has been developed in the participation and in the management of R+D+I projects by means of competitive tendering. In addition, he has directed social transfer projects through agreements with the private sector, public administrations, and organizations of the third sector. He participates as external evaluator in several scientific journals and in Spanish and international organizations that finance research in the social sciences. During the period 2017-2023 he has been the director of the Doctoral Progam in Social Sciences at the Universitat de València. Formerly, he was member of the Research Commission in the same university and member of the Sociodemographic Committee of the Regional Ministry of Health in the Valencian Government (Generalitat Valenciana). He currently coordinates the Social·Lab - Social Sciences laboratory of the Universitat de València and leads the Group of Analysis and Demographic Research of the Valencian Population - DEMOVAL, ref. GIUV2019-466 at the same university. Recently, he has been co-leader of the research project Legal and Sociological Analysis of Gender Gaps in Work-Retirement-Work Transitions: Factors of Inequality and Regulatory Proposals, ref. RTI2018-095888-B-I00 of the 2018 Call for Projects of R+D+I 'Research Challenges' of the State Program oriented to the Challenges of the Society, and is leader in the University of Valencia of the project of the European Commission Housing for Immigrants and Community Integration in Europe and Beyond: Strategies, Policies, dwellings, and governance (MERGING) EC 101004535. He has directed 8 doctoral theses, has also directed 4 FPU doctoral students, and is currently directing 3 more. He has 120 publications. He has received 974 citations (302 in the last 5 years) and 128 in JCR journals. [Biography, english version]



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