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Detector de Germanio Intrínseco CANBERRA
Gamma spectrometry with Ge(Hp) detectors
Brand: CANBERRA Intrinsic Germanium Detector
Type: Equipment

Gamma spectrometry is a multi-element analysis technique allowing to obtain the different-energy gamma radiation spectrum emitted by radioactive isotopes, the latter being registered by a photon detector. It’s based on photons producing charge carriers (electron-hole excitations) freely moving within the semiconductor to the collection electrodes.


It’s a high-purity germanium semiconductor detector that allows to obtain a good energy resolution.

  1. Radiological surveillance
  2. Radiation dosimetry
  3. Food quality
  4. Material analysis
  5. Soil analysis
  6. Waste revaluation
  7. Geological prospecting
  8. Product Import/Export
Practical implementation
  • Isotopic gamma analysis in different sample types
  • Identification and quantification of interest radionuclides in material / soil sciences and geology.
  • Analysis of radioactive contents in waters of human consumption.
  • Analysis of radioactive contents in consumer food.
  • Radioactive waste measurement.
Quality certifications

Accreditation 17025:2017 ENAC 959/LE1381 for tests on the activity of Gamma emitters in active carbon sampling supports, filters for atmospheric capture and in drinking, inland, sewage and marine water.

Terms of use

Sample determination equipment. To be used by LARAM staff, contact the laboratory.