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  • Erosión hídrica de semillas en relación con su forma y tamaño

    Cerdà A., Garrigós N., García-Fayos, P.



    7: 97-106

  • Efecto de la erosión de semillas y la exposición en el banco de semillas del suelo en taludes de carretera

    Enciso J., García-Fayos P., Cerdà A.



    15: 103-113

  • Limitations to plant establishment on eroded slopes in southeastern Spain

    García-Fayos P., García-Ventoso B., Cerdà A.


    Journal of Vegetation Science.

    11(1): 77-86

  • Ecological and evolutionary differences between Mediterranean seeders and resprouters

    Verdú M.


    Journal of Vegetation Science.

    11(2): 265-268

  • Modified topsoil islands within patchy Mediterranean vegetation in SE Spain

    Bochet E., Rubio J.L., Poesen J.



    38(1): 23-44

  • Fire and resprouting in Mediterranean ecosystems: Insights from an external biogeographical region, the mexical shrubland

    Lloret F., Verdú M., Flores-Hernández N., Valiente-Banuet A.


    American Journal of Botany.

    86(12): 1655-1661

  • Relative efficiency of three representative matorral species in reducing water erosion at the microscale in a semi-arid climate (Valencia, Spain)

    Bochet E., Rubio J.L., Poesen J.



    23(2-4): 139-150

  • Soil seed bank, factors controlling germination and establishment of a Mediterranean shrub: Pistacia lentiscus L.

    García-Fayos P., Verdú M.


    Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology.

    19(4): 357-366

  • Relationships between fire behaviour, weather conditions and fire intensity parameters in experimental summer fires in Valencia shrublands.

    Molina M.J., Llinares J.V.


    Proceedings of the III International Conference on Forest Fire Research-14th Conference on Fire and Forest Meteorology.

    Viegas D.X. (Ed.)
    1: 661-676
    University of Coimbra. Luso, Portugal

  • Effects of surface conditions on runoff and soil loss in a calcareous agricultural soil in Valencia (Spain)

    Molina M.J., Rubio J.L.


    The soil as a strategic resource: degradation processes and conservation measures.

    Rodríguez A., Jiménez C., Tejedor M.L. (Eds.)
    pp. 115-126
    Geoforma. Logroño