Call for papers for the 5th International Student Conference at the JGU is now open

  • May 10th, 2022
ICON International Student Conference

This year, the theme of the ICON Conference, which will take place on 18-19 November 2022 in Mainz, will be "Privacy-Media-Isolation". If you are interested in this topic, you can participate with different types of contributions as detailed below.

The ICON organisers invite interested students for talks and presentations from all disciplines to get an interdisciplinary perspective on Privacy-Media-Isolation. Possible formats for the November presentations (face-to-face or digital) are:

  • individual talks (20 minutes + 30 minutes discussion)
  • joint talks (20 minutes + 30 minutes discussion)
  • posters
  • workshops (50 or 100 minutes, workshops should actively involve participants)
  • creative works (e.g. photo exhibition, performance, concert or audiovisual presentation)

Abstracts (limited to 600 words, prepared for blind review, PDF) on the issues of isolation and privacy and how they are affected by the media can be submitted until 12 June. Possible topics for contributions could be:

  • Isolation in the digital age/age
  • Representations of identity
  • Corporeality and virtuality
  • Social distancing and digital fatigue
  • Bullying, narcissism, anxiety, Internet addiction and mental/physical health
  • Spatiality, cultural geography and globalisation Cybersecurity
  • Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and Agency
  • Social Media
  • NFTs: Privatisation and ownership
  • Privacy and isolation in the literature

You can send your abstract to

Check here for general guidelines for abstract submission.
