Implementation of Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) at the UV

  • July 21st, 2023

The aim is to achieve data interoperability between the different computer applications of all the Spanish and European institutions that participate in the Erasmus programme, thereby eliminating paperwork.

1.- Access to the EWP Dashboard software of the Universitat de València

2.- Introduction to Erasmus without paper (EWP)

3.- Online Learning Agreements for Studies (OLA)

4.- Interinstitutional Agreements (IIA)

5.- Useful Information

1.- Access to the EWP Dashboard software of the Universitat de València

The aim of EWP is to achieve interoperability between the IT applications of the universities of the Erasmus+ programme, eliminating the exchange of documentation in order to reduce bureaucracy.

The University has implemented a specific IT software for the online learning agreements management and inter-institutional agreements.

The username and password of the Universitat de València gives access to the application.

In this way, the degree mobility coordinators and the Erasmus outgoing students can manage with this application the online learning agreements (OLAs) of the Erasmus study stays.

2.- Introduction to Erasmus without paper (EWP)

The European Student Card initiative is one of the commitments assumed by higher education institutions that have been granted the Erasmus Charter in the new Erasmus+ 2021-27 programme. Among other obligations, it implies the need to connect to the Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) network for the secure exchange of data between the computer systems used to manage Erasmus mobility.

Various ways to connect to the network have been set up. For institutions that do not have their own IT system, the Erasmus EWP Dashboard platform has been created. For those who have their own systems or those of commercial providers, a connection must be created from their systems to the EWP network.

The aim is to achieve data interoperability between the different computer applications of all the Spanish and European institutions that participate in the Erasmus programme, thereby eliminating paperwork.

Connecting to the EWP network involves an adaptation process that works on a reciprocal basis. In other words, all institutions need to be connected to the network to achieve full interoperability.

An initial schedule was established for the gradual implementation of the network in universities.

However, the implementation of EWP has been delayed for various reasons and the European Union has extended the initially envisaged periods.

All the Documents Published by the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE) on the commencement of EWP can be consulted here.

Taking this context into account, and in accordance with the latest document published by the SEPIE (November 2022), the following is the University of Valencia roadmap for the implementation of the Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) system.

3.- Online Learning Agreements for Studies (OLA)

The University of Valencia will not use the Erasmus EWP Dashboard platform due to the high number of Erasmus exchanges that are carried out every year (2,000 outgoing Erasmus students and 2,700 incoming Erasmus students). It must be taken into account that the Erasmus DWP Dashboard is only designed for small institutions with few Erasmus exchanges.

The University of Valencia has its own computer system (in-house) to manage its Erasmus study mobility programmes. The International Relations Service has a new IT tool University of Valencia EWP which connects the software of the EWP network and allow the digital management of OLAs for incoming and outgoing students.

4.- Interinstitutional Agreements (IIA)

Interinstitutional agreements are agreements signed between two universities, establishing the conditions for the exchange of its Erasmus study students.

The University of Valencia has its own software for managing interinstitutional agreements in the Erasmus programme.

In order for the successful digital management of these agreements with partner universities through the EWP network, the International Relations Service has a specific digital solution.

5.- Useful Information

Information regarding the University of Valencia is detailed below in order to inform about the process of implementing the EWP system: