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SEMINARI: Theories, Hypotheses and Testing Structures: A Holistic Perspective, por Timothy Devinney. University of Leeds (UK)

  • 30 de novembre de 2018
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Seminari de recerca que es va a realitzar el pròxim 3 de desembre a les 12:30, en l'aula P06 (1er pis de la Facultat d'economia), en el marc del Doctorat d'Adreça d'empreses i en el Màster en Estratègia d'empresa.

The field of international business (IB) is still rather young.  As IB continues to develop, and moves toward more theoretical and empirical rigor, this seems like a good time to think more carefully about our approach to testing theory. In this paper, we outline a perspective on the testing of theories and their associated hypotheses.

We argue that the current approaches to theoretical testing reflected in published research in international business – indeed, management studies in general – are potentially subject to important limitations that substantially weaken the power of the apparent evidence-based support of our theories.  We demonstrate that a more holistic and comprehensive approach to theoretical testing and methodological rigor is necessary in order to develop a parsimonious and valid empirical regime that would allow us to make more generalizable and predictive statements about the phenomena that we observe.
