- Ciberamérica: Institutos Nacionales de Estadística (Amèrica del Sud)
- Office National des Statistiques d'Algérie
- Federal Statistical Office Germany (Alemanya)
- Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Statistics Austria
- Nacional Statistical Institute (Bulgària)
- Statistics Canada
- Central bureau of Statistics (Croàcia)
- Statistics Denmark
- General Register Office for Scotland (GROS, Escòcia)
- The Statistical Office of the European Communities. EUROSTAT
- US Census Bureau (Estats Units)
- Division of Science Resources Studies (SRS, Estats Units)
- US Department of Labor Statistics (Estats Units)
- US Bureau of Justice Statistics (Estats Units)
- US Bureau of Transportation Statistics (Estats Units)
- Economic Research Service (USDA, Estats Units)
- US Geological Survey (Estats Units)
- Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC, Estats Units)
- National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS, Estats Units)
- US Department of Commerce (STAT- Estats Units)
- Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic (Eslovàquia)
- Statistical Office of the Republic of Eslovenia
- Statistics Finland
- Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques (INSÉÉ) (France)
- Institut National d'Études demographiques (France)
- Nacional Statistics Online (Gran Bretanya)
- Home Office Research and Statistics Directorate (RSD) (Gran Bretanya)
- Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) (UK)
- National Statistical Service (Grècia)
- Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Holanda)
- Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH)
- Central Statistical Office (Ireland)
- Iceland Statistics
- Central bureau of Statistics (Israel)
- Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT) (Itàlia)
- Japan Statistics Bureau and Statistics Center
- Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (Letònia)
- Statistikos Departamentos (Lituània)
- STATEC (Luxembourg)
- Direction de la Statistique Maroc
- Statistics Norway
- Statistics New Zealand
- The Palestinian Central bureau of Statistics (Palestina)
- Instituto Nacional de Estatística (Portugal)
- Institut de la Statistique du Québec
- Central Bureau of Statistics (Síria)
- Statistics Sweden
- Bundesamt für Statistik Svizzera [Suïssa]
- Statistics South-Africa
- Central Bureau of Statistics (Turquia)