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  • Influencia de la edad de abandono agrícola en las características químicas y biológicas de los suelos en terrazas marginales de la Sierra de Cocoll (Alicante)

    Soriano M.D., Lloret I., Molina M.J., Pons V.


    Control de la Erosión y Degradación del Suelo.

    Bienes R., Marqués M.J. (Eds.)
    1: 79-82
    Forum Calidad, Madrid

    ISBN: 84-688-2337-6
  • 'Convergent' traits of Mediterranean woody plants belong to pre-Mediterranean lineages

    Verdú M., Davila P., García-Fayos P., Flores-Hernández N., Valiente-Banuet, A.


    Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.

    78(3): 415-427

  • Frugivorous birds mediate sex-biased facilitation in a dioecious nurse plant

    Verdú M., García-Fayos P.


    Journal of Vegetation Science.

    14(1): 35-42

  • Influence of plant morphology on splash erosion. in a Mediterranean matorral

    Bochet E., Poesen J., Rubio J.L.


    Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie.

    46(2): 223-243

  • The influence of seed size and shape on their removal by water erosion

    Cerdà A., García-Fayos P.



    48(4): 293-301

  • Seed erosion susceptibility of species selected for road embankment stabilisation

    Cerdà A., Garrigós N., García-Fayos P.


    Proceedings of the third International Congress Man and Soil at the Third Millenium.

    J.L. Rubio, R.P.C. Morgan, S. Asins, V. Andreu (eds.)
    Vol II, pp: 1301-1309
    ESSC & Geoforma Ediciones. Logroño

  • Consequences of a severe drought on spatial patterns of woody plants in a two-phase mosaic steppe of Stipa tenacissima L.

    Garcia-Fayos P., Gasque M.


    Journal of Arid Environments.

    52(2): 199-208

  • Controlled forest fire experiments: Pre and postfire soil and vegetation patterns and processes

    Rubio J.L., Molina M.J., Andreu V., Gimeno-García E., Llinares J.V.


    Sustainable Use and Management of Soils in Arid and Semiarid Regions.

    Faz A. et al. (Eds.)
    1: 162-177
    Quaderna Editorial, Murcia

    ISBN: 84-95383-23-3
  • Low allozyme variability in the critically endangered Borderea chouardii and in its congener Borderea pyrenaica (Dioscoreaceae), two paleoendemic relicts from the central pyrenees

    Segarra-Moragues J.G., Catalán P.


    International Journal of Plant Sciences.

    163(1): 159-166

  • A meta-analysis of gut treatment on seed germination

    Traveset A., Verdú M.


    Frugivores and seed dispersal: Ecological, evolutionary and conservation issues.

    Levey D., Galetti M., Silva W. (eds.)
    pp. 339-350
    CAB International, Wallingford, UK.