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Research scientist vacancy – University of Vigo

  • 10 abril de 2018
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The University of Vigo offers a research position to work in Vigo (Spain) within the H2020 project “Commercial service platform for user-relevant coastal water monitoring services based on Earth observation (CoastObsJ)”.

Position description

Position: The University of Vigo offers a Research Position in Vigo (Spain) to work with the Laboratory of Remote Sensing and GIS on the H2020 research project CoastObs in validation of Sentinel 3 data in order to provide information about the relationship between environmental conditions in HABs blooms and develop of local CASE 2 chl-a models.


Job Description

We are looking for a Master’s level candidate or Postdoc with background in marine ecosystems and excellent field, modeling, communication and team-work skills to work towards the improvement of harmful algal blooms detection for user-relevant coastal water monitoring and environmental reporting based on validated Earth Observation and in situ optical data. The candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate with a number of Earth observation groups around Europe and especially with University of Stirling.



The overall aim of CoastObs project is to develop a commercial service platform for user-relevant coastal water monitoring and environmental reporting based on validated Earth Observation and in situ optical data.The University of Vigo will:

-Provide a comprehensive validation of the developed within CoastObs products, to complement the validation of Standard Ocean colour products generally over coastal waters and to determine the magnitude and stability of associated errors and uncertainties.

-Improve detection of species HAB using algorithms based on neural networks and SVM for user-relevant coastal water monitoring and environmental reporting based on validated Earth Observation and in situ optical data


Minimum Qualifications (Exclusion criteria):

At the time of recruitment the candidate:

-We are looking for a graduate in computer engineering, physical, marine sciences or equivalent

-Master’s in any interest field or Postdoc.

-High English level written and spoken.

-Ability to work in the marine environment


Preferred Qualifications (Evaluation Criteria):

-Experience in working with satellite space observation data and optical data in situ in marine environment for validation.

-Development of algorithms based on neural networks, support vector machines, and work with metadata.

-Experience in research, scientific reports, publications;

-Good verbal and written communication skills in English, to contribute to reports and peer-reviewed scientific publications, deliver presentations, and translate scientific concepts for diverse audiences;

-Strong interpersonal skills to build and maintain strong relationships with academic, NGO and government partners and to work effectively as part of a highly collaborative research team;

-Willingness to travel internationally, proved with international mobility and/or secondments or similar


Salary and Benefits:

You will receive a PhD scholarship according to the general conditions at University of Vigo. The scholarship includes full social security coverage (net monthly amount starting at ± 1500 EUR/month). Possibility of research stays/visits at the University of Stirling (UK). The contract will be for 24 months and will start in the second quarter of 2018.


To Apply: Interested candidates should send the application to University of Vigo by email to jesu@uvigo.es <mailto:jesu@uvigo.es>. Please include in the subject “/Application for COASTOBJ acronym project”/. The application email should include:

1. A letter of interest up to 1000 words (2 pages) in English, Explaining the applicant’s background and expertise, with a focus on the skills, knowledge and aptitude they would bring to the position.

2. A Curriculum Vitae of the applicant: indicating the grade point average of the applicant bachelor’s and master’s degree, courses taken as relevant for the position, specific technical skills, and previous work related to the topic (master’s thesis, reports and others).

3. Up to three references with their contacts. Support letters will be required only in the second step of the evaluation.


All candidates fulfilling the minimum requirements will be evaluated based on the Preferred Qualifications indicated before. Deadline 30/04/2018