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  • As general entry requirement they should be contemplated in some of the presumptions of the article 6 of the RD 99/2011 or of the second additional provision of
    such Royal Decree. Without prejudice to the specific details of Article 6 and the second additional provision, the access requirements to the doctoral
    programme are:
    1.- To hold a Spanish university qualification or from other country of the European Higher Education Area, which give access to the Master’s Degree and they should have passed at least 300 ECTS credits of their official university studies, from which at least 60 have to be of Master’s studies.
    2.- To hold a Spanish official qualification of Graduate with at least 300 ECTS and take on complimentary training unless
    they include credits of research training.
    3.- Having passed with a positive assessment at least two training years of a programme for obtaining the official certificate of any of the specialisations in Health Sciences and do not
    have a place in entry test to specialized medical training places.
    4.- To hold a foreign qualification if this accredits the same training level as the Spanish Official Master’s Degree
    5.- To hold a Spanish Doctoral qualification.
    6.- Being studying a doctoral programme under previous regulations, after application for admission.
    7.- To hold a qualification as graduate, Architect or Engineer and the Diploma d'Estudis Avançats (a tertiary education degree) or the research proficiency
    Ideal entry profile: Students who have studied the Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering or the Master’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering associated to
    this doctoral programme, or an official master from other university of similar or equivalent content. In the event of holding the Diploma
    d'Estudis Avançats (DEA-a tertiary education degree)- obtained according to the Royal Decree 778/98– or the Research Proficiency- according to the regulations of the Royal Decree 185/85– , they must have been completed it within Doctoral Programmes related to this.
    Other entry profiles: It may also be admitted who have completed other master’s studies assigned to the area of engineering and architecture
    (e.g. Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering, Electrical, Automation, Computer Science or Telematics), in which case they may require to take on specific complementary
    training at Master’ degree level according to the criteria specified in section 3.4.
    Students who fulfil the requirements shall have access to the doctoral programme, being the Doctoral Studies
    Academic Committee responsible of verifying the compliance of the above requirements for the admission of the applicant.